Mountain is my inspiration Muntele imi e inspiratia
Plane / Flugzeug

Rolling about to start, with the Peiting wind turbin in the backdrop / Im Rollen vor dem Abflug, Mit dem Peitinger Windrad im Hintergrund

5 comments so far...

Fizgig February 26, 2019, 02:56 PM
Like the way the mts. came out =)
Sonja February 26, 2019, 03:43 PM
Mountains??? LOL -- yes, for people not seeing the alps at the horizon very often they tend to be always the main attraction :o)
Fizgig February 27, 2019, 04:20 AM
Not everyone takes nature's beauty for granted or becomes so jaded by being able to enjoy it every day that it no longer means anything..... Natural beauty should never cease to amaze, inspire or awe.... When it does, it says more about the person than does being appreciative of this type of scenery no matter how often it is encountered. I've seen the Alps -- and many other mt. ranges -- more times than I can count from the ground and from the air and I never cease to be amazed, enthralled or inspired. I feel sorry for those who have lost touch with that side of human nature....

Compared to those gorgeous peaks in the background, one could argue that nothing man-made in that shot is worth noticing ;)

frabax February 27, 2019, 07:53 PM
gut gesprochen, wenn auch ein wenig scharf formuliert wie mir scheint
Sonja February 28, 2019, 09:12 AM
Well, I was watching a flight event during lunchbreak, but from furter away than the fence guests so I got most of the wider scenery unless I cropped the shots.
This is undaubtedly some panorama of the alps, but also a vantage point for watching parachutist school activity. If you would be there during a day with jumps from planes, you would likely not focus on that mountains for long either, but soon more on the colourful causes of the permanent noise.

There are many special overlooks to see the Alps ranges from Zugspitz to Gruenten well, where busses of tourists are stopping for the skyline, but not the lumber patch Karl inherited. It is foremost a place uphill from where you can see the whole area of Altenstadt air base and FJS barracks really well incidently.

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