Turkish Snail / Gestreifte Weinbergschnecke / Helix lucorum

No idea what it does near Salem, the few German populations are supposed to be far away. So either this is a very fast snail or it found some way to travel in style / Keine Ahnung was die bei Salem zu Suchen hat, die nachgewiesenen Populationen in Deutschland sind alle woanders. Also entweder ist das einer sehr schnelle Schnecke oder sie hatte eine Mitfahrgelegenheit.

2 comments so far...

Fizgig December 05, 2020, 12:11 AM
Likely that some bird ate a snail whose eggs survived the ordeal and were dropped & hatched. Has a pretty shell -- almost looks to be carved out of wood =) Nice find!
Sonja December 05, 2020, 04:05 PM
I have no idea if that wouuld be possible during migration that a bird would eat a snail far away and crap a long time later life eggs, but a healthy adult snail from a near- eastern or mediterran country or even nearer the Breisgau crawling for shelter into some outside stored wares on a pallet and surviving a truckride to some other wet enough place in the sticks here abouts would be likelier, you know, anything a greengrocer. builder or garden market would sell that is hauled around sans to much care and extra cooling. But if there is a population, it must be rather new. This huge eatable snail is not listed as a neozoe in the lake constance area.
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