Saint George / Sankt Georg

The 1680 one close up. He sure is not the patron saint of the humane society. / Die Version von 1680 von nahem. Man sieht, der ist nicht der Schutzheilige vom Tierschutzverein.

8 comments so far...

Fizgig March 17, 2017, 08:34 PM
Beautiful sculpture! Nice find & capture =)
Sonja March 18, 2017, 07:40 AM
I actually went into the church taking shots of all the different Saint George Sculptures rather intentionally to humor some catalan Ipernity comrade having his own group about Saint George, so a "find" it is not, just some manmade stuff I never bothered to have own shots of until I promised someone, next time I get there I take close ups of it all. Generally I am to fond of dragons and other cryptozoological critters to support those catholic saints famous for having killed interesting animals.
appaloosa March 18, 2017, 05:28 PM
Would like to see this piece in its entirety. What is the scale of this piece? (I'm fascinated by equestrian sculptures/figurines! ) :-)


Sonja March 19, 2017, 08:05 AM
@Appaloosa -- previous shot in the stream shows all in a slightly different angle and with a bit of the surrounds. He is one of the larger Saint George images in the church, upright stretched out, the knight might be indeed be the size of a boy past K-4 school age.

appaloosa March 21, 2017, 09:06 PM
@Sonja: so you're saying this sculpture is life size? Impressive!

I saw similar sculptures while at the Musée de l'Armée in Paris!
PARIS - Musée de l'Armée

Sonja March 22, 2017, 10:42 AM
Looks like that horse in your picture is not an old artwork, but a modern horse manequin to model the real ancient armour on.... that is very different and of course requires to create a model the exact size of the animal who has worn it to battle long ago. One can actually see a seam where parts got joined... it's just for presenting the authentic old stuff how it looked in use, but it is quite nicely done and realistic otherwise, down to the white of the eye...

This here was carved along with it's rider and is really from 1680 itself. No, it is not really lifesize, it is sized so that the whole sculpture with the end of the lance overtowering the rest migh be a bit more than 2 metres high, but the knight is only like a young kid in size. Even so, this is a huge sculpture for a tiny pilgrimage church.

appaloosa March 22, 2017, 04:10 PM
@ Sonja: Thanks for the info! Yes, the Musée had an impressive array of life-size equestrian armour & trappings.

Incidentally, when I was in Bayeux, I did encounter another shrine to Saint George (albeit horseless) & the Dragon (he seems to be quite popular fellow all over France & England - and throughout Europe). :-)

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux
Sonja March 23, 2017, 11:18 AM
There are causes why that legendary knight that killed a dragon was pushed as a catholic saint. There was a time "dragon slayer"meant something like purification and christianisation of heathen spiritual places already in use by the native people when the missionaries came. You native amerians got certain advantages that your heritage is still closer by, and the missions could not erradicate all memories and replace them with some hero killing the spirits and making room for monotheism. I am actually not a really huge fan of saints supposed to have killed legendary animals, it is usually a sign something significant to our heritage got lost and burried there although the space still is sacred. I am rather partial to dragons and other curious cryptozoological animals than entities that are supposed to fight them. :o)

When I took lots of pics of the Saint George sculpures last time I hiked on the Auerberg I had a certain Ipernity friend in mind who would have enjoyed them. Early November this seemed a good idea. Now that I finally got to the stuff I have no idea how even to reach him and tell him I did upload it somewhere. :(

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