I'm always ready to hear Sympathy for the Devil (both the Stones and G&R versions), Who are you (from the Who), World Hold'n (Bob Sinclair, we forced a dj to play it three times in the same night!) and almost anything from Sting or Miles Davis... what kind of music do you like?

(I think he looks like a hard guy in this photo!!)

10 comments so far...

istoyanov November 15, 2007, 10:09 PM
ATM I can't stop listening to "Lover's Leap" by Bela Fleck.
istoyanov November 15, 2007, 10:18 PM
I also like that portrait quite much -- it appears more focused than the previous one, but OTOH I perceive the color version being more dynamic -- a tough choice to make...;)
Lady Pain November 15, 2007, 10:45 PM
Yo opino lo mismo... ha quedado con ese puntito interesante de chico duro.

Yo llevo años y no me canso de escuchar... Wicked Games de Chris Isaac, Seventeen de Ladytron, Nothing else matters de Metallica, Dream A Little Dream Of Me de Ella Fitzgerald y Louis Armstrong... no lo sé... ¡tantas y tan diferentes! =D Me encanta que la música se vuelva atemporal cuando te gusta ^_^

FrauFeli November 16, 2007, 11:03 AM
Uhoh, I LOVE Miles Davis!! Especially the "Bitches Brew"-Album and the soundtrack to lift to the scaffold..Chris Isaak is cool, think so. Or that one, which I really like at the moment


llllllllll November 16, 2007, 11:16 AM
cool video.

i'm listening a lot to nina simone these days..

ps: nice photo ciberado.

FrauFeli November 16, 2007, 11:32 AM
Hehehe, the completely black one?? I know, not quite the idea of a video, but the concert recording sound all very muffled and the others were edited by users, which I didn't like that much.

@ istoyanov
I like the "Lover's Leap" a lot! Nice song, especially the part were the clarinet sets in..

llllllllll November 16, 2007, 12:04 PM
feli - yeah, the black one.
i love the idea of mtv showing this.
well i love the idea of a tv broadcasting just black, to give everybody a break from staring into the box and shifting the attention to hearing..

: )

FrauFeli November 16, 2007, 12:11 PM
Good idea, actually. Paint a black space on your wall and imagine you were watching TV.. the revolt against letting you brains get stuffed with crap, Yeah.
llllllllll November 16, 2007, 12:15 PM
that's not quite what i ment..
xcib November 16, 2007, 12:43 PM
Thanks isto! I posted the b&w version because I don't want to bore you with very similar pictures ;-) I haven't hear anything from B.F but I promise this weekend I'll look for some themes!

Lady! Gracias por pasarte. Ladytron me lo presentó un amigo con el que tenía un trato: yo le bajaba la música que no encontraba en las tiendas y él me pasaba grupos que no conocería en mi vida ;-) Y Wicked Games nunca nunca nunca pasará de moda!

Fraufelita!!! We can go to a little, dirty, full of smoke place in Bcn that always plays Miles Davis, at any hour :-D It's a wonderful atmosphere even for a cigarette hater like me ;-)

Nina Simone... llll, I guess I'll have a lot of work this weekend hearing all this music!! ^_^

Hahahaha And I just love the last part of you conversation... looks surreal but in a way it has sense!!! :-)

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