Visiting stoat

At least, I think it's a stoat. He usually shows up on the property this time of year.

4 comments so far...

Fizgig December 13, 2021, 04:36 AM
Either long or short-tailed weasel... The stoat common name is a bit deceptive because it has been slapped onto several species with somewhat similar characteristics.

Either way.... It's a weasel so guard the young chickens and the eggs ;) They're nice to see on the farm in one regard -- voracious rodent hunters --- but they do like bird eggs of all sorts even better ;) Young chickens & chicks don't stand a chance against these quick hunters either.

Nice catch =)

David B December 13, 2021, 09:54 PM
We've had this little guy (at least I've only ever seen one) for the past few years now. I see "him" more in the winter than the summer. But he doesn't seem to bother our chickens, thankfully. Just a little guy, barely the size of two regular sized field mice, with a short tail that has a black tip in the winter.

He seems to be very interested in me when I'm splitting wood; probably hoping I scare up a mouse. There are times that he gets so close to me that I could reach out and grab him, if I was fast enough. We have lots of mice around here, so he's got a pretty good food supply, which is probably why he doesn't bother the chickens.

Fizgig December 14, 2021, 03:56 AM
Sounds like a short-tailed weasel.... Voracious predators of small critters up to the size of hares (even if bigger than they are). You've been lucky with your chickens! Or maybe your rooster is doing his job ;) But it's just a matter of time, IME, that the little critter will find at least eggs & once they develop a taste for them, they're very hard to stop (usually have to be trapped and relocated, unfortunately). They are adorable though, aren't they?
David B December 16, 2021, 04:15 AM
I guess we have been lucky, as you've said. From what I've read about them, they will take down larger prey if they feel the need. But, maybe there's enough easier prey around here to keep himself fed and he's not risking taking on the chickens. I've seen my chickens kill the odd over confident ground squirrel. So, he may find them to have a little too much fight in them. ;o)

After doing more reading about them, this little guy could also be a "least weasel"... smallest of the weasel family, apparently. Their diet is more focused on mice and small rodents, which could be why he hasn't been bothering my birds or their eggs.

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