An excellent pic my mom took in Hawaii, again, I applied the Holga effect.

3 comments so far...

bere January 18, 2006, 05:32 PM
great photo! hey so what's the nogal effect? is it a photoshop filter or something like that?
Josué M January 24, 2006, 02:02 AM
Ha, thanks. Actually, it's supposed to be Holga, I completely mispelled it on each one...anyways, the Holga effect is taken from these cameras, , which are really horrible little cameras, if compared other cameras that is. The lenses can sometimes be damaged, giving you a nice halo or blurred effect. Other times, the film may over-wind, giving you a nice panaromaic shot. Double-exposed film isn't too uncommon either. All of these "quirks" combine to give you soem really awesome effects. Most of the pics, if not all, that I have here were taken in color by a digital camera, I just did some post-shoot editing of my own in Photoshop. I'm sure someone has a ready-made photoshop filter, but I think it's better to do it by "hand", gives you more control. Lemme know and I can get you some instructions.
bere January 27, 2006, 02:10 AM
hi there, yes i have heard of lomo cameras before, although i am not very sure how its technology works, remember old days at school they gave us in a photo class how to build a camera out of a cardboard box with foil on the front & a little hole, the exposition times were long to get a capture, always wondered if lomo cameras work somehow like that
I am going to try to reproduce the effect myself in photoshop (I use it also sometimes for my photos, which are mostly digital ones as well) if they come out OK will send you the link)
Or will ask for help! Thanks for reminding me of lomo cameras & for the site, very interesting project, they are!
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