New search interface: We've been toying around with a new search engine over the past few days. It's not online yet and it still needs a bit of work, but give it a spin here:

(And remember to give us your feedback here...)

3 comments so far...

pbixe March 12, 2006, 06:43 PM
exciting! will dig further.
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal Team 23 March 12, 2006, 07:18 PM
A little information about what we're trying to do.

- search is important because it really makes sense when you have lot's of metadata on the photos. instead of browsing through tags and albums you can just write the term and click search and you'll have the photo. We'll hopefully be opening for searching your own photos, your contacts photos and all global public photos
- we're doing the search in a highly visual way with only the photos representing themselves and lot's of results shown.
- we're using the concept of faceted search to help you narrow down the results. when you've searched for "car" you can narrow down to only see the photos with the tag car, from a specific user, etc.
- search is heavy on the servers so we'll be reviewing and optimizing the coming week. worst case we might have to pull a feature or two because it's too hard performance wise.
- the relevance of what's shown is based on all the information we have about the photos, but we're still tuning the "secreat formula". so your help in testing searches and giving feedback on whether they give meaning is appreciated

Volker March 16, 2006, 02:34 PM
this is great!

I had problems with some tags, though. some worked fine, other tags couldn't be found..

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