7 comments so far...

Maria Klinke June 07, 2009, 11:01 AM
Vive la république!
Steffen Fagerström Christensen Team 23 June 07, 2009, 11:07 AM
Noget i den retning ;-)
Jeg ser gerne et offentligt betalt, grundlovssikret og ligestillet kongehus. Men kongehuset bør ikke spille en politisk rolle, hvor symbolsk den så end er. Og jeg har ikke lyst til at stemme for en grundlov, hvor kongen er ansvarsfri (§ 13) og hvor den evangelisk-lutherske kirke er den danske folkekirke (§ 4).
tridymite June 07, 2009, 10:05 PM
Steffen Fagerström Christensen Team 23 June 08, 2009, 05:19 AM
Nope, gender equality in succession to the Danish throne. In short: The Danish constitution was in effect changed yesterday without much debate on what a constitution should be in the 21st century. Luckily, the change passed even with my (and other people's) blank votes to affort equal right in the royal family (there's a 50% chance that this will be relevant around 2090), but we missed and opportunity for a public debate on much more important issues.

Something like that.

tridymite June 08, 2009, 11:42 AM
So femals are now allowed to get the throne in Denmark?
Steffen Fagerström Christensen Team 23 June 08, 2009, 11:56 AM
We have a queen at the moment -- the problem was that a second-born boy would take precedence to a first-born girl in the line of succession. Which was changed. Although is isn't relevant in the current, the next or even the following generation (since there's a queen now, followed by a first-born crown-prince and then a first-born prince). So the change should have waited for a more complete overhaul of the constitution -- which, for example, could have involved an elimination of the queen's de facto political role in out constitutional democracy.
tridymite June 09, 2009, 11:39 AM
:-) Thank you!
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