You can make their day or break their day. Your choice. No kidding.
Other than the decisions individuals make on their own about liking their work,
you are the most powerful factor in employee motivation and morale.
As a manager or supervisor, your impact on employee motivation is immeasurable.
By your words, your body language, and the expression on your face, as a manager,
supervisor, or leader, you telegraph your opinion of their value to the people you employ.
Feeling valued by their supervisor in the workplace is key to high employee motivation and morale.
Feeling valued ranks right up there for most people with liking the work, competitive pay,
opportunities for training and advancement, and feeling "in" on the latest news.
Building high employee motivation and morale is both challenging and yet supremely simple.
Building high employee motivation and morale requires that you pay attention every day
to profoundly meaningful aspects of your impact on life at work.

Make Time for People for Employee Motivation
Spend time daily with each person you supervise.
Many studies indicate that a key employee work motivation factor is spending
positive interaction time with the supervisor.
Schedule quarterly performance development meetings on a public calendar
so people can see when they can expect some quality time and attention from you.
You can make their year.

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