1st WFD-Graduation August 4, 2009

You are the most valuable asset of this organization. It all starts with the right people.
You have proven to your Foreman, Supervisors, and Managers that they have the right people on the team.
I have seen and experienced that if you feel respected, appreciated and are compensated fairly
according to your individual contributions, we can expect tremendous results.
When you have the right people on the team,
the best thing to do is point them in the right direction and then get out of their way.
The right people, will charge ahead toward the goal.
We are here to support, encourage and remove the roadblocks along the way,
the Mareks support a career development program, customized for you.
Doing your job well is the most important contribution you can make to your team.
As a team member you have specialized knowledge.
The opportunities are yours on the firing line that can spot problems early and formulate practical solutions.
Superviors depend on you.

"What contribution can You make to help the team achieve success?"
Consistency is key...to deliver good performance all the time, not just some of the time.
Listening and Communicating in a positive, confident, and respectful manner, sharing information, knowledge, and your experience.
Supervisors often deal with changing conditions — and often create change themselves.
Good team players roll with the punches; they adapt to ever-changing situations.
Care about your work, the team, and the team's work.
Treat fellow team members with courtesy and consideration — not just some of the time but consistently.

To Your Complete Success...
Michael Sanchez and Eric Rivera

Noe Vela/MBS-Austin
WFD-Training/Safety Coordinator

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