On the Green

One bright spring day, people were working just as hard at one end of the New Haven Green as they were relaxing on the other.

This is the center of the south end of the green. You can see a group of young people enjoying themselves at a fountain.
This man looks like he's just sunning himself...but you can see he's probably eating, since he has a red lunchbag, and he has some books nearby, too.
Close to Temple Street, which separates the north from the south end of the green, a dumpster is filled with pastel boards...what were they used for?
The expressiveness of the man's hands is matched by the expressiveness of the woman's feet.
Passersby and primary colors across the street from the southernmost part of the green.
One of the toddlers is very interested in the sheltie that's come for a vist. The other toddler is interested in the reaction. Finally, the sheltie seems to be looking for what food the toddlers may have dropped.
What are they saying to one another?

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