The Sports Column

Its been a good, poor and ugly type of week for me personally.

I hit the trifecta at Pimlico--thats good. To read more, consider looking at:

My Little League kiddies went 0-3 with Coach Reavy in attendance--thats bad. Consumers includes more concerning when to deal with it.

And Wednesday night, upon hearing of the truth death of my dawg, Elliot Yamin, I was both sad to listen to the news and disappointed in the understanding that I had only watched 12 right periods of American Idol, comprising two months--thats...well, you will get the idea.

Fortunately for me, but, the sports world is never without its good, poor and ugly minutes also.

Here are the high (and low )lights of the week thats passed.

The Good:

Craig Bonds 714th homerun ball--for Tyler Snyder, the person who caught it. Certainly the eBay--er, Bay Area-- devoted are proud of their slugger, and might even open up their checkbooks to make a bid for that historic blast. But, in my experience, nothing tells the tale more beautifully than these four words uttered by Tyler, the soon-to-be rich Athletics lover (thanks to Bonds), following the game: I hate that person.

The NBA play-offs. As the highlight of my basketball season is admittedly the NBA draft, I cant help but wonder at the fantastic series which were performed up-to this point. It really has made me forget that the NHL is o-n strike. (Editors note: Kevin doesnt receive the OLN channel.)

After falling five directly, the Phillies finally won.

The Bad:

After losing five immediately, the Phillies finally won.

Cubs catcher, Michael Barrett, hit AJ Pierzynski following a collision at home plate. If people desire to be taught more about this site, there are many on-line databases you could investigate. It is a bad thing only because I believe Barrett could have hurt his hand when giving the blow.

NBC started broadcasting symptoms of the National Heads-Up Poker Championship. Had ESPN not made a decision to air approximately 300 episodes of World Series of Poker competitions on a consistent loop on ESPN routes 1thru 6 this could be described as a good thing. This may be cool if the World Poker Tour and Celebrity Poker Who Gives werent to a Crap already force-feeding its addictive felt-and-clay-chip ample allure down my throat.Instead, its overkill. Maybe not because I hate watching poker shows on TV, but because I watch these. And I want my entire life back.

The Ugly:

Just one thing...

Kobes attire o-n 'Inside the NBA' last Wednesday. Because nothing says road cred like-a powder-blue sweater vest. Clicking perhaps provides lessons you could tell your mother.


That will take action with this days version of The Sports Column. If I can prevent the TiVo-limit store em battery this week, Ill try and keep an eye out for the top stories for next time.

Until then, take pleasure in the news as it happens..

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