Industrial Architecture / Machinery / Archaeology (remains / decay / abandoned)
Hail Cannon / Hagelkanone

Still doing it's job on the hill. Did not get younger and prettier since our last encounter either. / Die tut immer noch ihren Wachfiest auf dem Huegel. Juenger und schoener ist sie seit unserem letzten Zusammentreffen auch nicht geworden.

3 comments so far...

Fizgig March 04, 2019, 03:08 PM
There is no evidence in favor of the effectiveness of these devices -- thunder is a much more powerful sonic wave, and usually found in the same storms that generate hail, yet it doesn't seem to disturb the growth of hailstones. So why people still insist on using these things is beyond me -- I guess there are believers in all sorts of nonsense still out there.... They can cause hearing loss in humans, though, and they wreak havoc with wildlife to boot =(
Sonja March 04, 2019, 06:00 PM
Our farmers around here are on average no big wildlife fans. They do however anything said to protect the apple harvest.

Perches for real existing birds of prey and sound systems plaing the voices of absent ones do not exclude each other. The colour and material of protective netting is like sort f a second religion, some insist on shiney pure white or metallic pastels with an UV value, others on drab black mesh. Some plant special roses or miniature apples at the end of each row as they believe that some moth and bug species will prefer them over the comercial apples and draw their attention off the harvest. Many bring out smoke barrels filled with wet leafs in spring, to use when ever there are open blossoms in the trees and night frost threatens. There are field chappels with solemn annual processions featuring clergy and prominence, and also well paid lobbyists to keep some yucky chemical treatments legal and outlaw others -- so why not also strange spacerocket sculptures that make loud sounds before thunderstorms in summer? It is just an apple farmer thing. :o)
Fizgig March 04, 2019, 07:10 PM
If only it were just an apple farmer thing.... Just about any cash crop has seen these ridiculous things used --- especially in the USA's plain states. But, I suppose on the scale of more-less perilous, noise makers would be a better choice than chemicals; temporary vs permanent environmental damage. There have been well documented stories of desperate farmers hiring falconers to protect their fields. That was shown to be more effective than anything else. But, alas, not that many falconers are interested in practicing their art to the benefit of anyone save themselves.... and not that many practice the ancient tradition anymore at all....
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