Exactly what it says on the label. Photos of gardens.
Sunflower / Sonnemblume / Helianthus annuus

It planted itself, guess some overlooked birdfood, but it stood very well against the wind between the blocks. Alas most seeds out of it seem hollow fakes, but I hope I kan cultivate some of the heavier ones next year... /Die hat sich selber gepflanzt, wohl ein uebersehener Kern aus dem Vogelfutter, aber die war beindruckend standfest in unserer windigen Haeuserschlucht. Leider scheinen die meissten Kerne aus dem Kopf leere Atrappen zu sein, aber ich hoffe ich kann aus den wenigen schweren naechsten Fruehling ein paar Nachkommen aussaehen.

2 comments so far...

Fizgig December 06, 2021, 06:14 PM
Sunflowers are always charming in the garden =)
Sonja December 15, 2021, 02:52 PM
Especially if they do stand well...

In my garden they turn out usually not so great, just grow way to tall in the bud on thin steems until a sharper wind blows between the houses, then get to stand diagonally topsy turvy all over or even break or get uprooted. I tried to grow sunflowers the first years here, then simply gave up. So a wild flown in sunflower standing proudly in bloom without ugly sticks and raffia bands holding it up was really special. I wonder what breed it was, but I suppose nothing from a seed package for the frontyard but for commercial birdfood growers.

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