no matter if wild ones or cultivars...
Fragrant Phalaenopsis "Flacon Solaire"/ Duftphalaenopsis "Flacon Solaire"

A birthday gift, my forst windowsil orchid. Looking out at the wet snow here as it was new. / Ein Geburtstagsgeschenk, meine erste Fensterbrettorchidee. Hier schaut sie dem Schneeregen draussen zu als ich die ganz neu hatte.

4 comments so far...

Fizgig April 11, 2019, 04:11 PM
Pretty one...
Sonja April 11, 2019, 04:49 PM
I just hope I can manage to keep it. Meanwhile I bought a half translucent overpot as recomended and speciality plant food, but of course I am a bit insecure with such a fine flower.
It is phantastic, looks not only very beautiful, it also does smell nice.
Fizgig April 12, 2019, 04:29 PM
The "overpot" thing.... Don't do it... The roots will rot. They're a gimmick. Think about it --- these types of orchids have air roots. They don't want to be confined in soils or air-blocking plastics -- and will slowly die in those conditions. There are now special pots designed just for these orchids to meet their need for root freedom -- they have slits along the sides to allow air to flow in more readily and, also, allow roots to grow through the planting medium and out through the slits to freedom.
Aside from those, unglazed clay pots are the next best thing because they are "breath" --- meaning they leach excess water away from the roots and are porous enough to allow air exchange.... Even with those two pot types, the top 25-50% of the root structure should be uncovered and allowed to go where it will --- unless it tries to kill people in their sleep ;)

The best thing you can do for it is keep in warm -- the warmer, the better. That's what they want most. Water it with luke-warm water --- bottled is best because it's free of the additives in local water supplies and, also, "stuff" that an orchid that isn't a ground dweller normally wouldn't encounter. Water it at the base of the plant, not through the center, and allow it to dry between waterings. Make sure it's in a well draining pot --- most sellers package these orchids in non-draining ceramic, plastic, or glass (none of which are meant to increase the longevity of the orchid). It's nice that you got orchid food for it, however, if you follow the instructions for its use, you will over-fertilize and kill your orchid. The trick with those things is to feed the orchid AFTER blooming is done as that's when growth and need for any type of food takes place. And feed it sparingly even then --- again, keep in mind these orchids are not ground orchids and derive most of their needs via their "air" roots (in a tropical environment, these can just be hung from hooks & they'll thrive). If/when it forms new flowers spikes, stop feeding once buds begin to open. Use the fert. during growth periods at no more than 1/4 strength every other month.

Incidentally, if your orchid came with moss over the top of the planting medium at the base of the plant, remove it.... These orchids don't like to be have "wet feet".

Hope the info./advise helps....

Sonja April 14, 2019, 01:30 PM
Additives? Our tapwater's got unwanted ingerdient, it is not reused treated water but from a spring.
It's however not recomended to treat any plants around the house with the stuff from the warm tap using a pumpsprayer. Not for it would be bad for the plants, but for the humans if we expose ourselves to mist from our cursed warm water pipes more than necessary.

As for the open root holder systems of just pillars, they require lots of spraying or bucket dunking which is a mess and cant be done regulary if you leave home for several days to travel sometimes. I have no ridiculous high humidity inside the flat any longer - I worked hard for that as you know and am proud of it being gone - , also I got no trustable relatives or friends next door. I am really best of with a semi-translucent overpot with a holey root pot inside and ample wall space between the two as much bottom space to be able to water a ditch below the plant with roots hanging out into the damp area above water getting dimmed down daylight, and of course check regulary that no algae develop in the microclimate.
The lady at the gardeners seemed very knowledgable and was nice altough the plant was not from their store initially (I strongly suspect it's from somewhere my husband would go incidently past flowers anyway , you know, like the builders store or the grocery next to his workplace).
At that garden store I was sold a coloured glass basin roomier and especially taller than the ceramic pot from the gift assemble, one that got a high cone inside on which the inner holey pot thrones high above the water line. It looks neat and holds the the humidity inside so it is always a bit like in a temperate rain forest. Overtpots like this are sold from the cheapest plexi press to marbled handcrafted stuff from Italy, so its easy to find one that fits the budget, the style of the home and the blossom colours. The lady told me to remove the plant about once a month, drain and clean the glass out with really hot water and a cleaner-free bottle brush, just like a thermos transporter for hot tea, then put at first an all new plant food stick down into the ditch, not into the roots. Fill in clear water as needed to keep the ditch well filled but have the level if possible never touching the holey inner pot. So far the flower seems to love it, how ever I have each month a lot of the nutrient stick still floating around to throw away, it never dissolves a lot. I have to wonder if she just wants me to buy sticks more often or if orchid sticks really get spent without dissolving like the green plant sticks. She told me however to not buy the liquid nutrition as if one has only one orchid and needs no more than 0,2 l water mixture, as soon as the collection is 5 orchids or more it is just fine, but making the minimum infused water from concentrate with the shot cup and keep for months to use up does no good, and nutrifying a cup of water with an eyedropper never gets the job right. The stick package tutorial says however "put into the soil all 3 months". What soil, as I am not supposed to plant a moth orchid into soil??? Well, if the lady recomends the stuff and says to just let it float it below the roots... but then I get that wet nutrition stick that looks almost still intact into the compost bin each month.... On the stick package is a fancy list of teensy tiny amounts of chemicals, among them different mysterious forms of urea formaldehyde that only disolve in warm respective cold water. As I am just a housewife without a doctorate in chemistry I wonder if this is why the mixture mostly keeps it's shape because I never cook or freeze my poor flower of course.
It's really odd, but I guess you get different products for gardening than us here.

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