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Common Kingfisher / Eisvogel / Alcedo atthis

The very best shot from the minute it did pose I cropped in more. / Das allerbeste Bild von der Minute die er fuer Portraits sass, schnitt ich etwas enger zu.

11 comments so far...

Fizgig March 08, 2017, 09:24 PM
Cute little fella =) Nice capture!
remmeltmojet March 08, 2017, 09:29 PM
And an other fine shot!
Sonja March 09, 2017, 09:20 AM
Thanks, all! :o)
I am glad detail went not down to much by rather cropping than shrinking, but 300mm zoom at an ISO of 800 produces a bit of texture naturally, this is not a styling gag, just something I seem not able to process out without making the shot look unsharp.... I know decorative looking pics as opposed to proof of sighting shots of kingfishers are usually the domain of people with wildly expensive 800mm lenses sitting in a blind set up ready for hours without moving and this here was just an unbelievable privilegue given freely by this generous and lovely little bird.
irrlicht March 20, 2017, 01:25 PM
Hab ich hier auch zahlreich. Leider sind sie so schnell, dass die Zeit nur selten reicht, um auch nur scharfzustellen. Oft seh ich einen zudem im Flug, d.h. ein blau leuchtendes Dings in der Luft.
Sonja March 20, 2017, 02:22 PM
LOL -- so ist das bei mir auch normalerweise. Selbst in speziellen Beobachtungshuetten in Vogelparks hatte ich nie das Glueck ein Foto zu erwischen das nicht nur einen unscharfen oder sehr kleinen Fleck zeigt. Dann eines Tages, latsche ich nur die letzten paar Meter vom Fluss and den See runter und er hockt sich einfach hin und ist eine Minute lang ganz brav, gerade dass er nicht "cheese" sagt.... vieleicht hast Du ja auch bald mal Glueck und gewinnst bei der Eisvogel-lotterie! ;o)
BJW May 10, 2017, 10:47 PM
Such a lovely little bird and photo
Sonja May 11, 2017, 10:23 AM
It is the bird I refered to as having the colours of Marvin's stunning blue bromelia.... just a bit more greenish and more metallic looking as bluebirds but not as green as your Green Kingfishers.
Did you meet a Green Kinfisher during your Rio Grande trip, Betty? Common Kingfisher is the nominate Alcedinidae, as it is the only native one in europe and the most widespread of the palearctic and all of Asia. Green Kingfisher is of the subgenus Cerylinae, much closer related to your huge belted and ringed ones, but the male with orange in the chest is still the Northamerican bird giving the life impression of it best, flying just above the water like a fast little metallic bulet.
Marvin Matthews May 11, 2017, 11:29 PM
Beautiful little fellow, and I love his purch.
mramshaw June 18, 2017, 08:49 PM
Fine shot, I enjoy our Belted Kingfishers a lot (they chatter!).

This looks like a very characteristic pose, they're hard to get.

I think ours are rare in that the female is more showy.

Sonja June 19, 2017, 06:56 AM
Depends on what we as humans define as showy. A foxy reddish extra belt in the colour scheme of powder blue and white looks especially good and colourful in the birding book illustration or the stuffed specimen mounted in front of a white wall at the nature cente, but it actually adds camouflage to the living bird in the wild. ;o)
Belted Kingfishers with their shaggy hoods are certainly very cute -- and they are so big compared to our sleak little ones.
mramshaw June 20, 2017, 08:54 PM
I enjoy our chats, you always have an interesting perspective.
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