Vorarlberg Kettle Falls / Vorarlberger Kesselfall
Even Austria got several of that very unique name, not only the USA... / Oestereich hat gleich mehrere des orginellen Namens, und nicht nur Oesterreich...

7 comments so far...

DougShepherd January 26, 2017, 08:21 PM
Very nice capture of the falls, I can see how it got the name.
lucky schmid January 27, 2017, 08:41 AM
wundervoll...ich mag das unberührte...lob
Sonja January 27, 2017, 10:04 AM
Leider ist der ziemlich eingebaut, Lucky. Die Fussgaengerbrecke ueber den schmalen spalt in dem der Alvier da hinunterdonnert ist der einzige Besichtigungspunkt und selbst mit 10mmm objektiv kann man nicht die ganze laenge aufnehmen. Aber er ist beeindruckend, Den will ich bei besserem Wetter gerne noch mal sehen!
Sonja January 27, 2017, 10:12 AM
Thanks Doug, I guess Kettle refers to how the krag in the landscape widens circular below and creates a echo room for the water. It is one of the loudest waterfalls I ever was to, a little brook just, yet it is up there with huge stream falls if you only compare the noise.
MickPt January 28, 2017, 12:31 AM
Magic place. WD.
remmeltmojet February 23, 2017, 12:43 PM
Wonderfull capture! Om doch die ganse lange auf zu nehmen, kan man mehrere foto's machen und zusammenfugen mit zb Microsoft -Ice (image composite editor).
Sonja February 24, 2017, 12:50 PM
Thanks, Remmelt, but stitching with quick handheld shots? I have so far no good experiances. I use Ulead PhotoImpact for all my editing and it is not so that I never tried the stitching myself, rather that the results usually suck heaps as spot metered P-mode shots differ a bit in the looks, dependant on if the metered spot was in a lighter or dark part of surface. Asides, this waterfall and bridge is particulary difficult, as there is not everything visible at once with the bare eye anywhere either. Parts of wooden constructions and rocks get into the way of seeing the water continously fall. Add to this a distracting deafening roar from the water, icy spray adding to the rain and the pressure of other hiking parties trying to get a good view in the brief area where not most of the fall is obstructed....
As I told Lucky, I want to go back to this in dry weather one year or the other and try if can do better yet.
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