Dale Princess departing Martinshaven / Dale Princess beim Verlassen von Martinshaven

8 comments so far...

David B November 09, 2019, 08:21 PM
Hopefully they didn't bring Gilligan along with them this time. ;o)
Sonja November 10, 2019, 11:30 AM
Who exactly is Gilligan? Somebody you do not want to be on a ship with, like a legendary case of seasickness or a very inapt captain?

This is just a short ferry trip, 15 minutes each direction with 50 passengers allowed and 2 crew. Our group was schedulled on the Princess the next time she showed up.

David B November 10, 2019, 02:11 PM
Gilligan was a character in an old, but very popular, children's T.V. show, from the 60s, called "Gilligan's Island". He was a bumbling, lovable idiot who got into mischief.

The premise of the program was that, he was a first mate on a tourist boat, much like the one in your photo. And, because of his bumbling, got himself, the captain and all five passengers stranded on a tropical island, while on a three hour tour. Every week, they'd try some scheme to get themselves rescued. But, in some fashion Gilligan would always do something mistakenly to screw it up.

Needless to say, I loved the show, as a kid.

Sonja November 10, 2019, 03:45 PM
You mean, less than 1.5 hours from a port where tourists can go on a small tour boat the people where not searched for and rescued within the next day in spite of the mate's ineptitude to attract attention? Ouch, how embarassing... that would never have happened to the likes of the teams at Baywatch or our German crime Series Kuestenwache. ;o)
David B November 10, 2019, 05:30 PM
Well, you see, they got caught in an unexpected typhoon, which took them far out into uncharted waters. And between the typhoon and Gilligan, they didn't stand a chance. LOL!


Sonja November 11, 2019, 10:47 AM
Oh I see, a weather as excuse to create a situation where some unlikely comedy caracters are put into a situatuion where they have to work together with no place to avoid the others...

No, I dont think this was ever translated lthough the mate's caracter's face seems familiar to me. Also the very type of sung intro with framed pics of the main caracters and the setting.

However I remember a western type show about people in Wagons lost in the desert, with a stuck up rich couple and two pretty young ladies of which one was blonde, nice and naive, and the brunette a bit naughty and less dimwitted than all the rest (the second was named Lulu and the only caracter I was fond of) and a few others lead by two Cowboy style types -- westward I think. The one cowboy guy was named Dusty and he was really an idiot screwing up everything, the other his boss. I remembers little of the plots but one with a native chief who had very ugly sisters looking to get married so the brother kidnapped the leaders as grooms, then Lulu dressing into a show costume as she-chief of "Lulu-tribe" likely something you could not show on TV today, anyway I remember it somehow best from all the show but not how she got their leaders back from the ugly sisters. It had often big people jokes, innuendo of sorts I guess, I would not get all dad laughed about, but I think it had laughter from the off so you know what's funny???

I did just bear with that programme when I was a child, anyway it was more fun than politics talk shows. Mom thought it was really stupid and complained about it, but dad was a fan I think. The title song was in any case fully translated to german and sung by Freddy of whom he was a huge fan. Might well be if there would have been a similar show with a maritime topic, he might have liked it even more -- he had a sentimental spot for anything on TV with sailors in it and for the music star Freddy too, because he sang about sailors a lot. Anyway it was a western but one that was just a row of played jokes, not a propper serious one. Mom said it's just the other Klimbim but with with Winetou thrown in a pot. "Was ist das denn nur mit Dusties Glueck, oh, Dusties Glueck..." was the song but I have not heared that since before my boarding school time, it ran somewhen when our TV was new and I was smal. Definately very early 70s.

I did not think of Dusty and Lulu for a very long time but the the tune and way of the intro and the face of the lead are so similar. Do you know the english title of that other one with the people going west?
David B November 11, 2019, 08:38 PM
I think that program was called Dusty's Trail. It starred Bob Denver, the same actor who played Gilligan! And, according to Wikipedia, it was also crated by the same guy who created Gilligan's Island. So, that's probably why Gilligan reminded you of Dusty's Trail.

Ah, the memories. :)

Sonja November 13, 2019, 09:41 AM
Ah, so at least I have a name now to that dumb grin! Thank you! I thought it was the same guy as soon I watched your trailer.
Interesting that it flopped, but went over seas and was translated, whilst the other show with the island was apperantly not.
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