pictures containing the color blue
Borgship trying to Assimilate our Car / Borgschiff beim Versuch unser Auto zu Assimiliren

Nah, just a modest modern pile of apple crates taking up parts of the hikers parking lot. / Okay, eigentlich nur ein kleiner Stapel moderner Apfelkisten im Wanderparkplatz

6 comments so far...

Fizgig July 20, 2019, 03:33 AM
Doomsday preppers run amok? =P
Sonja July 20, 2019, 08:15 AM
This likely is a side effect of the near by gas storage for providing fresh local summer apple breeds for yearround "fresh"consumption, those outdoor stored norm crates from garish coloured plastics waiting for refilling season.
Fizgig July 20, 2019, 11:02 AM
I like my theory better.... Sounds more ominous than "blue apple crates" =P
Sonja July 20, 2019, 02:32 PM
LOL -- they certainly look more weird than that as they stand there. But then I wonder why you did not enjoy the Dark Tower of Schongau. It is less of an eysore colour-wise and at least it does not move around and temporary take over parking lots, yet from an occult point of view it is by far more promising.
Fizgig July 20, 2019, 02:51 PM
That is true, about the tower, but, what makes it worse than these doomsday crates is its permanence in the landscape. I mean, sure, it's nothing a bit of TNT & a wrecking ball wouldn't fix, but it seems folks are more interested in keeping others away from it than getting rid of it ;) These blue crates hold the promise of yummy apple pie --- I was just kidding about not knowing their purpose given that the orchard is clearly visible behind 'em ;) -- and that alone makes 'em fall less of an eyesore than the nefarious looking tower.... >=•)
Sonja July 20, 2019, 05:22 PM
I am not even sure if the flak tower isn't a listed historic building with all bells annd whistles as part of the old airbase periferals. I should perhaps have quizzed the Altenstadt town major about it all last weekend as we attended the same family event, but to him the listing of the WWII buildings in the Airbase two years ago was a major stress factor as it was, I would not like him to get a heart attack triggered by my nosyness.... LOL
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