16th-20th november 2005 / Freiraum, Museumsquartier Wien.
More / higher res fotos from Jacob Appelbaum: link

The festival for cocktailrobotics 2005 featured a number of robots serving or mixing cocktails. Like line-following Gastone below.
The fourth category of the featured Annual Cocktail Robot Awards "Lighting cigarettes" has been won by Adrian Dabrowski's creation, which not only lighted, but also smoked the cigs!
Chris Veigl - creator of quite a few bots that have shown at roboexotica over the years - is not only responsible for the infoterminal in front, where you turn the handle of a mincer to navigate through the menus, this year he brought his neuro-feedback installation "brainrace" and called the adaption "drink and drive"
Science Fiction author and digital rights activist Cory Doctorow, reading to the crowd
Cockbot 1 was developed 1999 by Chris Veigl. It morphs a little every year, the functions stay the same: 3 cocktails from 5 ingredients plus ice.
This pic of the opening shows Peter Riedelsperger of nurschrec! in front, in the back you can see Vitus Weh's head, who is, like, the "landlord" at Freiraum.
Build-up: to the right one can see "RoboMoji" by Robert Martin - a steel monster designed to produce mojitos in a noisy fashion.
Build-up: Freiraum looks big and empty.
Students of Fachhochschule Technikum built this reindeer serving mulled wine or punch.
A crowd watches Franz Ablinger's Gesundheit preparing a drink
In the latest version, #4, there*'s no more cardboard, it has been replaced with wood. The LEGO parts on the other hand, are still there.

2 comments so far...

bere September 26, 2006, 08:36 PM
oh magnus, nice!
i didn't know there are stories here
of course the first one to read is the Roboexotica one...
so funny this robot: 'which not only lighted, but also smoked the cigs! mmm? not sure if i want one of those around...
salutes from San Diego, perro says woof!
Magnus Wurzer September 26, 2006, 10:02 PM
here's the video:

say woof to perro from me ;)

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