day one

yayy. my blog entry. actually day one has very little stuff. we just flew from singapore to perth. so i included some other stuff from the rest of the trip.

at the departure hall, changi =) we were tired la huh. didn't really take much pictures of other stuff other than of our own faces.

then we sat on the plane trying not to sleep but to no avail. watched memoirs of a geisha (!)

the plane trip wad, boring.
okayy, then we reached perth after a few hours...

we went out of the airport to pose with tt tower thing in the backgrd! there were more pictures..
then we sat the bus to their local school.

their school is DIFFERENT from ours. their students were allowed to dye hair and do manicures..haha. and couples were openly holding hands and walking around the school compound.

their lessons were interesting too=) their home ec lessons are sooo nice! the food is EDIBLE. we actually learned how to garnish the food!

we had this lesson similar to photography too..
why cant our school do all this stuff=(

hmm, ya. apparently this school is famous for their music studies. they have quite a number of choirs/bands WITHIN the school.. and the school compound is huge. we can fit quite a few chung chengs in it.

there wasnt much photos taken here coz we were busy..

tts all for day one stuff i think..

these were taken when we went sandboarding.

the sand dunes were very high! abt two storeys high i think. and they were WHITE and CLEAN.
UNLIKE THOSE AT ECP. they were cold too=) then all of us were trying to climb up with the sandboard. haha, we kept sliding down..

this was taken during the tree top walk. see the face on the trunk?
we were looking DOWN frm there.
and this is to get back at mr chua for taking so many multi shots of us. HAHA! i shall post the picture tt charrissa took...
sunset. =)
another one
the pinnacles.its kinda like a desert. with limestones everywhere. this is just a portion of it.
windmill farm.
the farm where we stayed for two nights
lamas=) so cute.
fireplace. we were expected to start the fire ouselves. my dear roommates managed too=)
look at the fireplace! modern version.
sunset agn. i forgot where was this.
taken during our last day there

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