The Favorite Food Diet is an online weight loss regime that shows you the way to eat the foods you love and still lose weight. Imagine that!  Impossible, right? Well, that’s exactly what the weight loss industry has tricked you into believing because it makes a killing on people trying to lose weight. So of course, they make it difficult to do so (ahem, prohibiting delicious foods) which keeps people just like you and I coming back for more. But the proof is in the pudding – pardon the pun; you can eat the foods you love and still achieve your weight loss goals and that’s what The Favorite Food Diet is here to teach you.

Put down the diet plans that require you to count calories and eat nothing but carrots and lettuce for every meal. Despite what the weight loss industry wants you to believe, you can eat the foods you love and still achieve your weight loss goals. The secret? Nope, it isn’t moderation. Instead, you have to fix your gut flora and maintain a healthy gut biome so your body can burn off (and not store) the foods you eat as fat. Yes, this has been the culprit all this time and it makes sense if you take the time to think about it (or read the chapters that cover this topic). Your gut flora is the heart of how your body functions; how it stores fat; how it uses nutrients; how it absorbs nutrients, etc. So, when it is overloaded with bad bacteria, it’s difficult for your body to function properly, thus resulting in storing foods that should be burned off as energy. The good news? You can easily fix this problem with 100% natural and safe solutions which are provided to you throughout The Favorite Food Diet. Now, I’ll elaborate on all of this good stuff in just a moment but first, I want to mention the four rules that the program is based on:

Rule 1: The Importance of Whole Foods

Rule 2: Nourishing your Microbiome

Rule 3: Include your Favorite Foods

Rule 4: Drink Clean Water Everyday

These four rules are the foundation of the four-phase process that The Favorite Food Diet will take you on. These four phases are:

Weight-Loss Industry Deception

The True Cause of Obesity

The Program


As you can see from the titles of the four-phases, this program takes the time to educate you on your body and then it provides you with a system, recipes and activities that allow you to turn your newfound information into action.

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