Cafecito entre amigos :))

17 comments so far...

kodaky October 17, 2008, 09:27 PM
nice cup!
cinnamon banderillas?! looks good!
bere October 17, 2008, 09:30 PM
si si, que bueno se ve
mine was just plain black coffee no bread :( now i am jealous heh heh, it was great to think you all were drinking at the same time, we shall do this again ;) so cool we can all go 'out for coffee' while in different continents
bere October 17, 2008, 10:48 PM
ah euz y ahora veo que tu hiciste las banderillas, pasame la receta por fis cuando puedas :)))
monki October 17, 2008, 11:44 PM
This looks tasty. ...I think I need some cafe-coffee...
Gergana Vasileva plus October 18, 2008, 11:49 AM
Mmmmmmm, I see I missed a lot of cups of coffee these days!!!!
Mmmmuuuaaaaacsss para todos! :D
FrauFeli October 19, 2008, 10:38 AM
Ahaaa, how nice!! I know that cup :) Actually, took me a few moments to realize, hehehe.
And what a nice idea, to have coffee at the same time! Big hug and lots of kisses to all of you :*****
Euzkerika Orozco October 28, 2008, 10:08 PM

Sorry to answer sooooo late :(

It is raining like hell in here (has been like that aaaallll day long)

What about if we join for a "HOT CHOCOLATE & HOME MADE COOKIES" this time?? ;D ...eeehhh I mean, to warm us up!! ((:


kodaky October 28, 2008, 11:49 PM
I am not so sure about homemade cookies... ehhehe
And it is too hot down here for hot chocolate.
May I join with another drink?
Euzkerika Orozco October 29, 2008, 01:32 PM
hehehehehehe... what about a Chocolate ice cream Milkshake with some Kahlua in it, then?? ;))

I was thinking on adding some to my hot chocolate....hehhehehe

..aaahh and about the cookies.... well... perhaps you can just get some of those delicious sweets that you have in Brasil made of coconut :D (I'm kind of addicted to them..hehehe)

Or what was in your mind Kodakyto?? :)

kodaky October 30, 2008, 09:52 AM
Ice cream! great idea!
So, when is it going to be?
Who is with us in this round of photos?
bere October 30, 2008, 05:29 PM
ah!! hola finally here back
yes yes i agree with kodaky on the ice-cream too
it's been so hot in San Diego too!
let me know hours and times, and yeah! let's have an ice-cream together :)))
Euzkerika Orozco October 30, 2008, 07:09 PM
Hello guys :)

Brrrrrrrr.. it is too cold here for an ice cream!!! (hehehehe well I use to eat them in winter too.. hehehehe but..ehem ehem..)

So I'll take a cup of veeeeery hot chocolate with churros :D

I would say lets do it next week end... what do you think?? so we'll give time to others to join... lets see how many like the idea and we'll set an hour then.. ok?? :D

aahhh Bere, por cierto.. perdona, se me olvidaba lo de las banderillas... es muy facil, compras hojaldre, lo extiendes en la charola de horno lo cortas en tiras (depende si las quieres grandes o chiquitas como las que hice ;)) ...luego las barnizas con huevo y les pones muuuucha azucar encima (tiene que ser blanca, por que si no salen...) a las mias les espolvoree canela en polvo antes de hornear, pero la verdad me gustan solo con azuquitarrr y ya ;D

Metelas al horno a unos 180 grados centigrados hasta que veas que doran y se inflan las canijas jejejeje.... tienes que estaar al pendiente, por que si no, se achicharran eeehhh :)

Muaaacccccccss to all ((:

monki October 30, 2008, 09:27 PM
This sounds like fun! I'm up for some ice cream, though it is a bit cold here too...I'll turn my heater up and pretend I'm somewhere hot. Then I would NEED ice cream! :)
But then I would need to go running if I'm going to fit into a ... Ahh! Wait!- Bere, I'm going to call you tonight.
...stay tuned...
kodaky October 30, 2008, 11:52 PM
Bere, Euz, Monki (welcome)...
and waiting for new ones!
monki October 31, 2008, 04:15 AM
..ok, as I was saying...I would need to go running if I'm going to fit into a Wedding Dress in February! :-D
Atom November 02, 2008, 11:22 AM
Euzkerika Orozco November 02, 2008, 11:32 AM

Cool, well then... here is still raining so eehhh hhhmm... although I would like to have an ice-cream too... I'll go for a deli deli deeeeli Hot Chocolate ;D with little, crispy, brown and sugary churros.... muahahahahhahahahahaaha ((:

I would say at around 20hrs of today (Barcelona time)... I think that will give us all time to set our cameras and enjoy our "chocomeeting" you all agree?


....oohhh by the way.... WEEEEEDDDDDDIIIINNNNGGGG?????? :D CONGRATULATIONS MONKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish you all the best :)

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