This was the catholic school for many years, but, to my good fortune, the school closed in the 60s, so I got to be a public school kid. For decades now, this has been the parish hall--home to all church functions including catechism classes. Was here every Wednesday afternoon from 1st grade through Senior year.

8 comments so far...

bere April 27, 2007, 05:49 AM
oh no catholic girl?
i was one! from age 12 to 15, damn!

miss d, the textures, the angles
really neat stuff you are doing with your camera
i'm happy/thrilled :)

donna April 27, 2007, 03:24 PM
Catholic school girl from 12-15? Yuk.
I remembered your pic of the place you went to catechism--with much character, so I had you in mind when I took this one :) I even had my mom as a catechism teacher one year--and she was TOUGH!
donna April 27, 2007, 04:51 PM
oh and thanks for the nice remarks about my pics--can't wait to have my own camera, so I can play in NYC!
bere April 27, 2007, 05:56 PM
oh miss d
i just got all your comments!
thank YOU :)

so this was your sister's camera?
yeah yeah yeah go get one... ahorita*
*your spanish homework for today ;)

bere April 27, 2007, 06:03 PM
& yes catholic (sinner) girl
since born, cathecism & all
but from age 12 to 15 actually in catholic school just girls... run by nuns (ahem) and the teachers were "regular" people, but we pray the rosary at the main recess every day, over 3 years i have prayed about 1,500 rosaries, that's why i don't go to church anymore, i have surparsed my praying quota ;) i am saved!
donna April 27, 2007, 06:43 PM
yes, ma'am--will get my own camera right away! ;) boy, you and insky are persistent Spanish instructors! :)

Yes, was my sister's camera all the way--didn't trust myself with my film camera--you may remember my 1/2 tree incident from Fall '05 . . .

You're welcome for the comments, but thank YOU for sharing all the great images! :)

hahah! sinner girl.
oh my, run by nuns. I seem to remember you had catechism teacher who liked to imbibe a bit. I can't believe you had to pray the rosary at RECESS!! That's a misery. I'd say you are saved for sure! Me on the other hand, being led astray at public school, only had to say rosary before mass and then every day at 6:30 pm at home, when my dad got home from work. Only took about 20 minutes a pop, but I HATED every single lonnnnnggg minute of it! After years of telling my mother that I didn't want to attend church anymore, she finally conceded (with severely broken heart) and told me I didn't have to go if my heart wasn't in it. But that came only after I turned 18.

insky May 21, 2007, 01:30 AM
oh. my.

and yay!
donna May 21, 2007, 02:15 AM
yay for breaking free? don't know if that was the target of that piece of the comment, but yay was my reaction to being released! :)))
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