Airline travel is the most common form of conveyance to distant conventions and trade show displays miamiexpos, and with good reason: it's fast, it's efficient, and it's one of the safest methods of transit available. For humans, staying safe on a plane is a simple task. You simply sit back in your seat and enjoy a flight, complete with refreshments and staff to help you enjoy your trip. For your trade show booth, it takes a bit more to have an enjoyable journey. Many companies choose to bring their trade show displays along on the plane, and are able to enjoy a much higher degree of certainty about their stand's arrival time at a lower cost. At the same time, many are unaware that trade show exhibits that travel on a plane must be carefully packed and protected. If properly wrapped for travel, an airline flight can be a great way to move your unit cross country - but the wrapping stage is absolutely critical.

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Two Different Ways To Send Your Trade Show Booth On A Plane

If you've ever flown on a plane before, you know that there are two main types of cargo: carryon bags and checked luggage. Carryons are limited in size and number, but they're brought onto the plane with you and can stay with you (and potentially in your site, if you like) throughout the flight. In contrast, checked luggage has much less restrictive limitations on its size, and much more liberal restrictions on how much can be checked per passenger. You may end up paying a nominal fee ($50 or so) for additional checked luggage, but it's usually cheaper than shipping your unit.

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Carryon luggage is typically as safe as if you packed your trade show displays in a car. It's very hard for them to suffer damage, even if they're packed in just a light carrying case. Checked luggage is more difficult to protect because airline baggage handlers are notoriously harsh with such bags. While your suitcase might have limited options for protection, your exhibits can be much better suited for these harsh conditions. You simply need to be willing to invest in the necessary gear.

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