3 Things You Didn’t Know About the Yarra Valley
The Yarra Valley has a reputation for being one of the most prestigious wine regions in the world. It’s up there with Burgundy and the Napa Valley. As winemakers say, you can only make fine wine in beautiful places, and that’s particularly true for the Yarra Valley.
Interestingly, the Yarra Valley is still not widely known. Although the finest restaurants worldwide stock their cellars with the Valley’s wine, many wine lovers are still not aware of what’s going on up there around the Yarra River. Where to start? Here are 3 things you didn’t know about the Yarra Valley.
1. The Yarra Valley Has It All
The Valley is the ideal getaway for history buffs, thanks to its rich history going back to the nation’s early days. Outdoor enthusiasts will find in the Yarra Valley a paradise postcard of greenness and fresh air. Foodies will just want to move in here. And, of course, wine lovers will have the time of their lives. What else do you need?
The Yarra Valley is the perfect setting to fulfil your ideal getaway. There’s something for everyone here, and being so close to Melbourne, it just can’t get better.
2. There’s Much More Than Fine Wine
Wine here is fantastic, everyone falls in love with Yarra Valley’s elegant wines, but the region has much more to offer than fermented grape juice. There are countless beer and cider producers, and it's all delicious! A handful of quality-oriented distilleries call the Valley home too, so there’s literally something for every palate.
If you want to know more, let us take you on a private tour through the cider & ail trail, a great Melbourne tour alternative.
3. The Yarra Valley Is Great Value for Wine
You might think fine wine is expensive, and you’d generally be right. But the finest wines are well worth your money; they’re much more nuanced and pleasurable than your everyday wines. Well, the Yarra Valley might be an exception.
In the past few years, over twenty different labels scoring over 90 points on the critics’ scorecards cost on average AU$40, and we’re talking contemplative wines. That’s the retail price; by the way, prices at cellar doors are even lower. https://chauffeurdrive.com.au/stories/3-things-didnt-know-yarra-valley/

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