New Delhi , 08 December 2013 -
National Secretary BJP Kisan Morcha Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal say's Congratulations to "All Bharat Premi's", lovers of India, Voters, supporters,workers and media friends at win and greatest lead's of BJP in all states. He said that 4 states referendum will help in deciding BJP next year Lok Sabha poll agenda and BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi support will grow tremendously. He thanks the everybody and said I had already Declared in media at Rajasthan press conference on 28 November, that there is a severe anti Congress wave, in the country and asserted that it would lead and win in 4 poll bound states including Rajasthan. In a press statement here today, Grewal said our party BJP had return to power in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh as people had accepted incumbent chief ministers Raman Singh and Shivraj Singh Chouhan as their most trusted and creditable leaders. He said that in Rajasthan and Delhi, BJP would have comfortable majority to form the new governments today's December 8 results. Grewal claimed that the anti Congress wave is a national trend, he said that the Centre mismanagement of economy leading to inflation and price rise of essential commodities, corruption cases like 2G, CWG, coal, and lapses in internal security were seriously affecting the common man who found the Congress leadership indecisive, incompetent and non-inspirational. Grewal said that BJP is likely to make a comeback in Rajasthan by winning 105 of the total 200 seats. He said as result that 50 percent of the respondents already felt the Congress government led by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot should not get another chance. Grewal said that BJP is likely to get a vote share of 37 percent while the ruling Congress will get 75 seats with a vote share of 33 percent. He said that BJP is likely to get 24 seats in Mewar as compared to 9 seats in 2008 assembly polls, while the Congress is likely to get around 10 seats as compared to 24 seats in 2008.

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