Ludhiana ( Khanna ) 14 December 2013 -
the northern region workshop on Statue of Unity – 182 mts high statue of Iron Man of India Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel – was held at the auditorium of sector 37-A at Law Bhawan in Chandigarh. At village Jargari, Ex- Sarpanch Baldev Singh Jargari's residence, talking with Daily Ajit correspond, BJP Kisan Morcha National Secretary and Member Iron collection committee of Punjab Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal said told that in that workshop trained volunteers, upon party workers as well people of society to contribute towards erecting a symbol of unity. He said that it's for harmony, which will also be memorial to the greatest leader Sardar Patel. He said that the ruling Congress had always promoted the Gandhi family and never allowed the likes of legendary Sardar Patel, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev and others to come forward. Grewal said that their martyrdom's was not cherished due to the first Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru not shook hands with foreign powers, thousands of valuable lives in Jammu & Kashmir could have been saved. He said it is due to the Congress policies that the farmer of an agrarian economy is missing from the national agenda and in lieu of feeding the nation he is being ignored. Grewal said that BJP prime ministerial candidate and Chief Minister Gujarat Narendra Modi’s efforts are making it possible for the farmer's issues get National center stage. Grewal said the picture of Sardar Patel was put up in parliament after 40 years of Indian independence due to the initiative of NDA government and now due to BJP’s efforts a huge memorial "Statue of Unity" is being built in his memory. He said that Statue of Unity was an apolitical project, which aims at binding India into a harmony for development, the feeling of belongingness and self respect is important. Grewal said that the Statue of Unity will give these feelings to the people of nation. He said that this initiative of Narendra Modi has taken form of a campaign. Narendra Modi’s dream is to ensure equal development in the entire nation and the initiative to associate entire country with this project will be a successful venture. Grewal appealed everyone to take part in the Peace Run and Walk on December 15 across the country.

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