What Goats Have to do with Search Engine Optimization
As I was leaving the house early this morning to take my son to school and then drive on to the office, I noticed that our boer goats were up early, out grazing. And then it occurred to me: what do boer goats have to do with search engine optimization? Well, it does not sound like they would be related: both are consistent and involved persistent consistency in their efforts.

Goats (at least our boer goats) are very consistent. They love to eat and they love to try new things. But they will not stay in one place for too long, they will be "all over the place", eating a little of this, a little of that, and not get bogged down in one place (unless they find something that they really like eating). So how is this related to search engine optimization? I believe nowadays to be successful in SEO, you have to make sure that you're "all over the place", just like goats. You need to have a website that is SEO friendly, but you also need to consistent in your marketing efforts: add new content every day (if at all possible). Update your social media status: keep your friends and followers always thinking (and seeing) your updates. Search engine optimization is not something that you can just "do something" and be an overnight success. Just like goats, you have to be consistent in your marketing, always try something new. If you like something and it works, try it a little more (eat like a goat). But whatever you do, keep your eye on the herd (watch to see where the website traffic and your customers are) and you will be successful.

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