Popcorn ceilings have been widespread among many households for a long time, from the late 1930s to the 1990s. Almost every family had this type of ceiling in their house.

Why did popcorn ceilings become such a trend?

There are various reasons why popcorn ceilings have been so popular for such a long period of time. First of all, they are quick and cheap solutions, comparing to the smooth ceilings. Instead of smoothing out the surfaces and trying to cover them entirely with paint, builders just need to spray a stucco mixture to achieve a cottage cheese-like finish. Meanwhile, this texture is also great at hiding imperfections effortlessly, thus, bringing the beautiful look to the house without too much work required.

On the other hand, the popcorn ceilings with raised bumps can insulate noises much better than other smooth surfaces, making it ideal for places that are prone to loud sounds.

What happened to popcorn ceilings?

As time passed, the trend faded eventually as people start to notice the disadvantages of this ceiling type. Popcorn ceilings, because of their rough surface and raised bumps, collect and contain moisture and dirt much more than other ceilings. Hence, they are also the hardest type to clean and the most costly to repair.

Starting the 2000s, families began to replace popcorn ceilings with smooth surfaces for a more neat and modern look. That being said, even though many homeowners did the removal, many households still keep their popcorn ceilings. And if you happen to be having popcorn ceilings in your house right now, you probably need to take good care of it to avoid the dull look and maintain its beauty.

How often should I clean popcorn ceilings?

With a thorough process, you can just do a comprehensive cleaning of popcorn ceilings once a year. This is already the necessary frequency to help brighten your ceilings while reducing allergens. Cleaning popcorn ceilings will be a time-consuming job, so before you start, spare yourself plenty of time.

Do you know you can clean this ceiling with just a vacuum and a feather duster?

Yes, indeed. Now that you’ve known more about popcorn ceilings and their characters, follow our guide below to let your ceilings return to their old glory. At TheKingLive, we are proud to offer a great deal of the most trustworthy product reviews and the most useful household tips and guidance. Visit This Site: https://thekinglive.com/how-to-clean-a-popcorn-ceiling-the-complete-guide.html

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