on saturday morning i saw this photo by fotovolker
and then yesterday while walking at the El Cajon blvd. this frame came to my head, a-ha! i thought, similar to Volker's picture but in blue, so here...

15 comments so far...

anita plus April 08, 2008, 12:47 PM
hehehe....Oh,dear, You are Great!!!:P
Classical Blue......:D:***
Volker April 08, 2008, 08:39 PM
Hi Bere! I like your blue version. Well done my Dear! :-)))
bere April 09, 2008, 05:46 PM
oh muchas gracias dear anita and mister volker, it was a neat coincidence!! :)
Volker April 09, 2008, 07:15 PM
StevieB April 14, 2008, 08:43 PM
Lovely! But I'd clone out that tiny bit of leaf where my fotonote is: it doesn't belong here!
bere April 14, 2008, 11:50 PM
hola stevie, thank you! i am glad you liked the picture and yes! i very much agree with you on leaving out that little foliage, on my behalf i have (heh heh) that lately i haven't been cropping my photos (1st i thought i was being "a purist", but then i realized i was just being lazy ha ha) so in the next set of photos i manage to upload, i think i will be back to the perfect cropping ;) thanks for the note Stevie i truly appreciate it

and might as well share with you my dear friend some sad news for me :( last Sunday, yesterday... the focus of my alpha broke :( the lens is stuck and well i still have a warranty, but it was nice to wake up today to the memory: oh my main camera is broken :( i have an old canon point and shot and well the SLR's like yours Stevie :) the Nikkormat and the Zenith (the exposimeter of this one is not in great shape) but it is NOT the same!! :( my DSLR was everything to me (i know among you are the only ones i can say out loud this statement... my other friends, colleges and family don't really understand the lost...) but i will try to fix it soon! so i can go back to play with you all!

thank you :)

StevieB April 15, 2008, 11:34 AM
I feel for you, bere! I hope you get it fixed really soon. It's like losing a hand, or something...! :)
bere April 16, 2008, 02:55 AM
yes Stevie you put it right! at least once every hour i have a heartache :( 'cause at least once an hour i want to take a picture and remember, darn it's broken :( even if i have a very old point and shot that i dusted off today, is not the same :( yes like missing the right hand... oh well, i am about to find out if Sony has a good repair and customer services, will keep you posted, and will keep myself weeping in the meantime
thanks for your support!!
there should Support or Help groups for the ones recovering from broken cameras! i find it more necessary than rehab or AA ha ha, addiction to photography is severe and hard to recover from :(
Volker April 16, 2008, 07:58 PM
Ohh Bere, it makes me sad to hear your camera is broken. :-( I hope Sony makes a good job and you'll get your darling back soon! BTW Did I told, I've a new camera? A DSLR.
bere April 19, 2008, 03:54 AM
oh herr Volker i finally made it here
a new DSLR wooooow! how exciting!!
what did you get?
what did you get?
what did you get?
what did you get?!!! heh heh
just a little curious also
what do you think of it? do you like it?

and me on the contrary i just got a new point and shot!! a canon, before i had the sony alpha (DSLR) i had for about 1,000 photos on this site a Canon Power Shot, an old 3.2 MP with barely any functions

after my accident with the DSRL (that by the way at least i found the problem is with the lens and not the body of the camera) i realized i cannot carry around every day a camera like this... so right now i am charging the battery of my new camera, hey! both got new cameras this week :) cool coincidence, so what i got is another powershot SD1100, sounds promising, and it has the movie features that i used a lot on my older canon... i was thorn between a cool Panasonic Lumix, i was tempted 'cause it had a LEICA lens but the Canon was cheaper and smaller... and what i need is a smaller camera now... but Gott Sei Dank my DSLR is still alive :) nothing like a 'real' camera even if heavy and bulky ;)

hope you are having fun with your new baby ;)

Volker April 19, 2008, 05:18 PM
Hehe... Hi Bere! Great to hear you have a new camera, too! I'm happy your sony i alive. Have you other lenses, so you can use it in the meantime? I bought a canon EOS 450D. Isn't it cruel, that you have to charge the battery before you can use the new camera!? I had to wait about two hours before I could play with my new toy. I think it's not a bad camera. It's not so heavy and bulky (compared with my old minolta). And yes, I think I like it! hehe
Where are the first photos with your new camera? I hope you like it, too! :-)))
bere April 20, 2008, 06:09 AM
oh they are coming soon Volker, i am used to a DSLR by now, so maybe i expect too much from the point-and-shoot and today was cloudy but i took some anyway
and no sadly i don't have more lenses for my alpha, but i am researching on what to get now :)
Volker April 20, 2008, 06:30 AM
OMG I missed your Birthday! Sorry,I hope it'not toooo late.



And Ranke is right. Du bist keine alte Frau!!! :-)
In Germany we say: You're only as old as you feel. :-D

bere April 20, 2008, 06:42 AM
ha ha danke Volker
never too late ;) and yes! i am old but i like it!! i rather be an old lady one day than to go back to the pressure of adolesce, ha ha, i enjoy very much my 1st white hairs ;) what i delight ha ha! have a good Sonntag
Volker April 20, 2008, 07:11 AM
Hahahahah... You're great! Have you seen? I've my 1st white hairs, too! (not really the 1st! hehe)
Thanks, the weather should be fine today. So I can go out with my new toy. Have a nice Sunday too!
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