Sell PS4 PlayStation 4
PlayStation 4 - Play. Updated.
The world's smash hit console has a fresh out of the box new look.
Experience epic undertakings, fight the best players on the web and challenge your companions in your front room with the slimmer and lighter new PS4.
A Stunning New Design
A slimmer and lighter control center with smart new looks and loaded with genuine PlayStation 4 power.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Technology
Visuals are more reasonable, strikingly clear and more genuine to what the natural eye finds in reality.
Smooth Interface
Quick, individual and more straightforward to share, interface and play with companions.
Double Shock 4 remote regulator
Joining progressive elements with instinctive plan and exact controls, the DualShock 4 remote regulator characterizes the new age of play. The new model elements a snazzy dark matt completion, and shows your light bar tone from above as you play.
About Bossu
We Saw Where Phones Were Heading So We Got There First.
Your telephone is your dependable friend, your essential association with companions, friends and family, work partners, basically everything on the planet. It's an expansion of you. So normally you need your telephone case to mirror your character. To be especially slick and absolutely interesting.
Grasping this craving, we createdBOSSU.
We guessed that individuals wouldn't be happy with simply any telephone case for extremely lengthy. Like watches and other prime adornments, we accepted telephone cases ought to be in a similar classification as fine extravagance brands.
This was obviously the future of cell phones. Furthermore, we made plans to assist with driving the way.
A UK-enlisted organization, BOSSU (BOSSÜ Limited) tries to improve the look and feel of premium cell phones by planning cases that incorporate flawlessly with the actual telephone, while adding exceptional style and pizazz.
Our item runs incorporates a polished choice of planner telephone cases for Apple, Samsung and Huawei Smartphones, alongside profoundly viable screen defenders for these driving brands.
We offer a custom tailored telephone case personalisation administration that will make your telephone yours and yours alone.
Our plan ethic is obviously clear in the BOSSU Phone Cases we have made, and we are focused on giving a scope of choices to suit each person.
In the event that you lean toward the normal excellence of natural cases, our Natural Collection ought to be your number #1 decision. At the point when strength, style and sturdiness are the key elements search for in a telephone case, you will track down it in our new Natural Armor Collection.
Whether for yourself, companions or family, our customized telephone cases make the ideal gift.
Our Phone Case Engraving Service Adds The Final Touch This is the help that separates BOSSU. We are the main organization to offer etching as a feature of completephone case customisation administration. It epitomizes our enthusiasm for absolute flawlessness. Furthermore, it will put your telephone case without equal.
Intense Beauty Great looks aren't sufficient. That is the reason each telephone case we produce includes a powerful, shatterproof body. Many models are supported with shockproof froth as well, except for our Bamboo Cases, which have a characteristic strength that disposes of the requirement for froth. Our telephone cases are accessible with cutting edge enemy of scratch screen defenders to safeguard your telephone against incidental harm. Furnished with against finger impression innovation, these inventive screen defenders safeguard without hindering your telephone insight. They are the savvy speculation for cell phone clients. The primary concern: BOSSU makes intense, practical telephone cases that look as great as they perform.

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