
Wellness Programs in Companies
The financial factor has long ceased to be the main factor in employee retention in companies. People are today much more demanding and dynamic. Most employees favor comfort, the work environment and other complements that favor well-being and balance between their professional and personal lives.
Promote employee well-being
Would you like to implement wellness programs in your organization?
It is essential that companies promote programs in the area of physical and mental well-being. Organizations that are at the forefront of this new paradigm will certainly attract new talent and, above all, retain existing ones. But how to increase productivity levels and stand out in such a competitive market?
The insertion of health programs that promote physical and emotional balance in teams is, without a doubt, a differentiating factor. These techniques make it possible to increase the productivity of employees and, consequently, the results of organizations by reducing absenteeism levels and decreasing turnover.
Corporate wellness services
B-Zen® has a series of differentiated wellness services (in person and on the web) and exclusive to companies:
Studios/online classes;
Outdoor events;
Team Building Actions;
Among many other services, which can be customized.
Experience gained from implementing prosperity programs in various organizations has proven that employee well-being is essential for business development. Examples such as care, meditation, Reiki, physical exercise, healthy eating, yoga, pilates, psychology or training are part of the vast package of B-Zen® services available to companies.
The post-pandemic brought new hybrid models of work, bringing new challenges for organizations. B-Zen® has adjusted its programs to new work contexts, creating flexibility in its services. Thus, it developed programs adjusted to this new reality, with the possibility of choosing between the online or face-to-face system - depending on the needs of each organization.
Guaranteed wellness services for B-Zen® companies
Online and/or face-to-face system services;
Specialist and experienced therapists;
Personalized services according to the characteristics of each team;
Quality certified and proven by customers and partners, over several years of activity
Visit For More Informatoin:- https://www.b-zen.com/

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