description: Bladder is another important part of our body that helps in disposal of wastes from our body. Bladder is responsible for collecting and storing urine till it is finally disposed off from our body. The occurrence of cancer in bladder is known as bladder cancer.Depending on what cells are affected by bladder cancer, the bladder cancer is known as urothelial cell cancer or squamous cell cancer. There are other types of bladder cancer too and sometimes the same kind of bladder cancer might be known by two or more different names too.Exposure to chemicals (as used in certain types of factories) and smoke (tobacco smoke) can lead to a greater risk of bladder cancer. So, the risk of bladder cancer is higher in smokers (and this is besides the fact that smoking can really increase the risk of lung cancer). However, not many smokers pay heed to the advice about quitting smoking. Like a number of other types of cancer, the bladder cancer too occurs mostly in older people i.e. people who are above the age of 50. The exact causes of bladder cancer are, however, a matter of research and the researchers are continuously working towards getting an answer to this.

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