Study abroad
Studying abroad is the act of a student pursuing educational opportunities in a country other than one's own. This can include primary, secondary and post-secondary students. The number of students studying abroad represents only about 1% of all students enrolled at institutions of higher education in the United States du hoc singapore .

While the majority of foreign students who study in the United States are pursuing a full degree, most outgoing U.S. students study abroad for one or two academic terms. The majority of US students now choose short-term study abroad programs according to the most recent Institute of International Education Open Doors Report.

In the 2008–09 academic year, the five countries US students chose to study abroad in most were the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, and China. The total number of US students studying abroad during 2008–09 was 260,327, compared to 262,416 the previous year, a modest decline of 0.8%. In the 2011-2012 academic year 283,332 US students opted to study abroad, a 0.9% increase from 2008-2009; however, US students who choose to study abroad represent only 1% of all students enrolled in higher education institutions du hoc Nhat Ban .

The Open Doors report is published annually by the Institute of International Education with funding from the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. However, the report found that there were notable increases in the number of U.S. students going to study in less traditional destinations. Fifteen of the top 25 destinations were outside of Western Europe and nineteen were countries where English is not a primary language du hoc Han Quoc .

In 2012, 764,495 international students studied in the United States. During the same time period, 274,000 US students studied abroad. This imbalance has been referred to as an "international education deficit."

Internship abroad
If you’re serious about building your resume and really want to stand out in job interviews, interning abroad may be exactly what you’re looking for. Interning abroad takes studying abroad to another level. Not only are you living and studying in another country, but you are working there as well, which allows you to make multinational connects and have a truly organic experience. As an international intern, you will have the opportunity to learn how to communicate across cultural barriers and experience globalization first hand – all things you can showcase on your resume thuc tap Singapore .

Still need more convincing? Well, have you considered the fact that interning can help offset the costs of traveling abroad? If financial reasons are holding you back from participating in a study abroad program, pursue a paid international internship, and it can help make that dream happen. Whether you’re looking to truly immerse yourself in a culture or looking to simply gain a more global perspective, an international internship can be a great choice.

Career abroad
Want to work abroad? You’re in the right place! On Idealist we have tons of opportunities around the world (just search for a job in the country where you’d like to work), a site in Spanish that shares jobs in Spanish-speaking countries, and a site in French that shares jobs in Francophone countries thuc tap My .

Additionally, our community is always sharing stories of how they found jobs they love outside of the United States. Here’s how one Idealist found a job in India, while another shares the logistics of moving to another country. And here, one Idealist talks about how she launched a career in international development.

Your options to connect with organizations based in another country may be limited by the languages you speak, whether you can obtain a work visa, the salary the organization can afford to pay you, and how much it will cost you to get there. These obstacles, however, should not discourage you from trying to find work abroad; instead they should give you a sense of the skills and resources you need to acquire to make yourself a competitive candidate while helping you focus on the opportunities that best fit you thuc tap tai Uc .
International nonprofits may be your best bet for finding work abroad. Many of these organizations list their job openings, internships, and volunteer opportunities on their websites and These listings provide you with a sense of what types of jobs are available, and the qualifications required for the positions.

Keep in mind that it’s often more difficult to find a salaried position in an international agency without previous field experience or a relevant graduate degree. To start, consider an internship or volunteer work abroad so you can gain field experience that could eventually materialize into permanent employment.

The basics of working abroad
The first step in working abroad is to determine the who, what, where, when, and how. Think about your motivations for seeking paid employment in another country—are you hoping to learn a new skill? Build an international CV or résumé? Self-fund the exploration of a new country? Knowing more about why you want to work abroad will help you determine what types of jobs would be the best fit.

Also, start thinking about when you’d like to go, how long you’d like to stay, and where in the world you’d like to work, volunteer, and travel. If want help answering these questions, check our primer on volunteering abroad, which involves a lot of the same planning and decision making.
Researching countries viec lam Singapore
Check out these sites to get statistics, history, and general information about a country or region.

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