Open up ur window to the beautifull world

9 comments so far...

NoNi April 19, 2006, 05:12 AM
very very very beautiful, and i love the perspectiveyou have taken it from, and the quote. lots of people are so narrow minded and dont ever appreciate the beauty of what they dont know yet, and they never try to. its true when you say we should open up our world, we never know how it can change our lives for the better. btw, where is this? it seems it is a very old city!
SaLManUTD April 19, 2006, 03:13 PM
ya actually this is the highest point in the city , its like fort on the mountain n this was one of the windows in the fort..this is the city of Salzburg ( Austria) city full of churches lol , ya its very old city n i remebered that movie ( passion of the christ ) if u have seen it ..thanks sis , appreicate it =)
NoNi April 20, 2006, 05:55 AM
Highest point, wow... i hope it wasnt stairs all the way to the top, lols... so many cities do that, and you end up seeing tourists half way up sitting down,faces bright red, gasping for air,lols.. thats interesting that it has so many churches actually because churches hold alot of history and are such intricatly designed old landmarks... i saw passion of the christ, and yeah your right it does have a hint of that movie in the character of this city.. and.... your welcome!
NoNi April 20, 2006, 05:56 AM
funny enough i just noticed that the cannon ball thingie is facing the city! not the opposite way! so a city full of churches with a huge old bazooka gun facing it! lols...
SaLManUTD April 21, 2006, 04:08 PM
here is the picture of the fort or wutever its called lol , from inside it looks like an isolated village ....oh not thanks god it wasnot stairs , there tis weird kind of train ..about the cannon ball , its a good point ..i think it was there to defend the castle/fort where the king stays incase the enemies landed on the city side...u will find the same thing if u have been to one of the forts in oman..thaanks again =)

SaLManUTD April 21, 2006, 04:14 PM
here is the link

NoNi April 23, 2006, 05:09 AM
ha ha ha you know funny thing....The link above is blocked by Etisalat, darn it! lols.... what next....Thanks for the info and links though, i do appreciate...And about Oman, can u believe i have never been? i have been begging my family members for 2 years now to go father went and took loads of pics and when i saw them i really fell in love...SubhnAllah it was so green and pure clear water, and moutains everywhere... i NEED to go there, i need that view and fresh crisp air in my face, and the mountains, ooooooooh dont get me started on the mountians! lols...Inshallah this winter im def going this time...
SaLManUTD May 07, 2006, 01:02 AM
OMG bolcked ! no worries here is another link lol , try it

neve been to oman , whyyyy its only 300 hundred KM from ur place, ya the good thing is that u get desert , Wadi , mountains ..everything mashalah , n lets not forget Salalah in the summer * i never been there lol* ...ya winter is the best time , =) , thanks sis

NoNi May 11, 2006, 08:03 AM
Welcome bro :) and i know its sad... 300 km and i have never seen it.. but anyways inshallah soon... hope your having a nice week over there in UK!
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