Orange Phalaenopsis / Orangefarbene Phalaenopsis

With some other houseplants in the back / Mit einigen anderen Zimmerpflanzen im Hintergrund

6 comments so far...

Fizgig March 18, 2021, 08:01 PM
Your orchid is probably Phalaenopsis Baldan's Kaleidoscope 'Golden Treasure' ... Nice bokeh!
Martina Weber March 18, 2021, 09:15 PM
wowow a beauty !
MickPt March 18, 2021, 09:33 PM
Beautiful indeed. WD.
Sonja March 20, 2021, 02:57 PM
Fizzgig., whilst this one is really my most pretty, it its still just a socalled monday orchid, an overdue rescue phalaenopsis
that aleady spent a sunday or even the second in a closed superstore, not even sporting a producer brand tag... so I am doubly proud I made it survive and recover to be stong and beautiful instead of in the trash can a half year later.

I think it is however very different from my two other very common starter phaleonopsis that are different colours but got both the same a brand tag, cheaper priceclass at the garden compartment in the builder market but with a growers name and a big care tip sheet.
It is the form of petals and in the jiz and flowering habits, the orange one got more lancetty leafs in a more bright and grassy green, and it is growing very straight upright, sparsely but large flowered, building one or two back to back growing pairs of blossoms that open the same day to stay beautiful a few weeks together, whilst the other butterfly orchids from the garden market tend to bend and cascade with each a bit messy panicle holding really many blooms at once.
When I look at the numerous online representations for the "Baldan's Kaleidoscope Golden Treasure" with pics of whole plants, they seem to be growing more like my other two, only the blossom is much alike in form and colours to this here, but the leafs are wide, oval and dark and the spikes bendy and filled. Some also have sort of weird tutu ruffles mine got not at all..
Of course it seems to me a cheap orchid must be very likely a direct clone of a fairly common hybrid multiplied via kindles, so I wont daubt your ID.

Still I wonder about one thing: When it is just a clone and all specimen in the colour scheme sold have the same parent, why on earth does it stand there so differently to the ones sold in the internet with pictures? Differences in nutritions or light at the growers or how is this to explain???

Fizgig March 20, 2021, 04:43 PM
Well, see, with MANY flowering plants, the blossom colors can vary significantly due to external conditions.... Light, warmth, fertilization (plant food), water quality, etc. can cause two identical plants with differences in any or all of those things to produce flowers that differ in color.

Take, for instance, a Camellia whose flowers are red when they form & bloom in full sunlight, but are pale pink or white when they form & bloom in full shade. The flowers are on the same plant, yet, to look at them, you'd never guess that. You can see this phenomena with some Geraniums, too -- I have a mellon colored one whose flowers can range from dark coral to white with pink edges depending on available sunlight.

I have clones of certain plants that flower differently 'cause on has eastern exposure & the other western exposure sunlight. For the same amt. of time, no less, but they are that sensitive to sunlight direction. Heck, I had Chrysanthemum clones that bloom completely diff't colors!

Nature is fascinating =)

I'm pretty sure of ID because this combination of orange-dark yellow with pinkish-reddish striped blossom thing pretty much occurs with only that cultivar of orchid. There is an offshoot of that cultivar than has yellow or pale yellow flowers with the same strip color as the orangey variety.

I think clones of hybridized plants often revert to diff't genetic characteristics than the parent plants.

Sonja March 25, 2021, 02:38 PM
My wondering with this here is more with the jiz, it is just so tall and straight, has this few but huge blossoms usually in in exact pairs, rarely just one or three on about the same level of the spike. Not that I complain, it is different but pretty, and it is very convenient for my lack current of a transucent heavy pot for it that it manages itself so upright in bearing, but those at the seller websites look just like ordinary orchids, once fully in bloom sporting hanging U-shapes with cascades of blossoms.

As for the orange big one of Karl's sister I always envied, it is for sure nor just an other one like it. It is a "Surf Song Ox Blood Orange", and technically not realy a phaleonopsis but a Doritaenopsis multihybide. That plant is still the most phantastic looking windowsil orchid ever as it is really orange, not just a yellow-burgundy opical trick, but nobody seems to sell it in regional garden centres any longer. Renate claims it is easy to keep, so likely it went just out of fashion with the new trend to have cold colour palettes only in the living space. :o(

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