Paris Market Carrot / Pariser Marktmoehre / Daucus carota

Not really our breed, but you learn that only by trying. Carrots the size of snack radishes just are the hell to clean and little amounts of great food on the squre metre. They just look cute freshly harvested and prewashed at the tab./ Nicht wirklich unsere Sorte, aber sowas merkt man erst wenn mans ausprobiert. Karotten de nicht groesser als Radieschen werden sind nur eine Menge zu putzen und kaum Ertrag im kleinen Beet. Aber niedlich schauen sie aus so frisch aus der Erde und am Hahn vorgespuehlt.

2 comments so far...

Fizgig November 19, 2020, 02:37 AM
Strange looking carrot.... Thought they were some newfangled breed of radish at first glance.
Sonja November 19, 2020, 02:59 PM
Not newfangled at all, an endangered 19th century French heirloom breed.
I thought those balls would have a tender less textured skin, as easy to clean and prepare with the skin by the time they reach quail egg size as red round pearlradishes. However this was not the case. They where woody and toughskinned by then, okay tasting and fine in textrure when smaler than the tip of my tumb. Next time I try some more massive variety, the sort where just one carrot is enough for a 2 people helping of raw matchsticks, precooked cubes or stirrfry slices.
I am not a young mommy that needs to produce cute looking raw snacks to impress the preschool teacher but cook just for me and a man who asks "Why does all your whittling away in the kitchen take so long?" So this is definately the wrong carrot breed for me.
Fun is how it is depicted very differently on the Seed Savers packages for your market and the german brand I got. Seed Savers is by far more honest -- only they do not taste great when they reach their maximum size at all, they are a totally inpalatable woody bunch when you wait for them to become like a golf ball. :o(
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