Weg / Trail

In the Eriskirch protected wetlands / Im Naturschutzgebiet Eriskircher Ried

2 comments so far...

Fizgig July 06, 2020, 12:05 PM
Would be nice for a leisurely mt. bike ride =) Probably not allowed in a protected wetland -- which is understandable.
Nice capture with the new Spring greens 'n' all.
Sonja July 06, 2020, 01:57 PM
It is allowed to use a bicicle, but not very encouraged to cycle sportively on the closest paralel to the lakeshore (will say, the official cylce cirquit is an outer paralel near the train tracks. The road is a similar gravel quality, the view not much worse, much green too.
In the NSG between the Beach and Langenargen it is difficult even to cycle leisurly at times as there is a lot of traffic in summer vacation and nice weather weekends. Lots of prammys and wheelchairs, groups walking side by side or just standing about talking, dogs on longer leashes diagonally all over the place... just a huge mess.
They had closed the scenic turnouts during the lockdown to avoid people accumulating at dead ends with a view, it was a workday morning not so long after 8 a.m and the sibirian iris was not yet in bloom, so that might explain why for once it was so unpopulated whilst sunny too.
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