Lake Fauler See / Der Faule See

Faul can be translated in very different ways, but when it comes to smal mountain lakes one would expect it to mean that the water turned unpalatable and stinky or somesuch. Yet this is just a lake that might be leisurly and relaxed. It smells okay as befitting a biotope next to a picnic area, and it is teeming with wildlife / Bei "Biotop Fauler See" denkt man ja eher an etwas umgestandenes muffeliges Wasser, allerdings war das gar nicht der Fall. Drinnen gab es viel Getier zu sehen und es stank auch ueberhaupt nicht. Mit einem Brotzeitplatz daneben ist das ja auch besser so.

2 comments so far...

Fizgig June 28, 2018, 12:29 PM
Maybe the name refers to stagnant waters? Ones that don't have streams feeding them and/or flowing out of them which makes the water quality less "clean"....

Anyway, nice capture =)

Sonja June 28, 2018, 01:33 PM
There are a few obvious tributaries, big enough to have their little bridges like the one you see at the left side of the pic, but they might be all seasonal only, comming down from the Watles shoulder above, but they do not show on Topomap, as neither does the outflow.

Faul can mean anything between just lazy (in humans or critters lounging about for example) and already decomposing (in veggies past their prime). In a lake I would expect rotten and smelly at least part of the year dangerous, but as the inhabitants show, it seems never to becoms bad enough to kill it's fish, amphibians, cadflies and similar, at least not in the last few years.

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