I believe in Santa... / Ich glaube an Santa....

He brought me an orange Poinsettia! / Er hat mir einen orangefabenen Weihnachtsstern gebracht!

6 comments so far...

Fizgig March 14, 2018, 03:10 PM
Charming placemat =) And that Poinsettia is absolutely gorgeous!
Sonja March 14, 2018, 03:56 PM
It was really gorgeous... but it is going green now. No idea if I ever get the thing peachy again, even if I play peek-a-boo with it in the basement or cloakroom.
Fizgig March 14, 2018, 04:05 PM
I always had good luck with them reblooming just by simply putting them outdoors once warm Spring temps. [approaching what they were used to indoors] were a mainstay and leaving them out into the cool, short days of autumn.... I would take them in about the time temps. stopped getting into the 50's during the day... I'd put them in front of a bright, sunny window and within a few weeks the first signs of blooming would show up. Between the light and temp. fluctuation, the changes were enough to cause them to bloom without having to put the poor things in the dark and all that. A few of them even started to color up outdoors as summer light and sun waned....

Granted, I never had any of the exotic hybrid colored ones.... Red, pink and white were ones I was consistently able to get to rebloom.

Sonja March 15, 2018, 12:08 PM
?!!!? I read several instructions to stuff them into a pitchblack place in November for 16 hours every day and take them out to the window sil for a few hours in the middle of the day, and the room must have 100% no light, no ocassional electric one whilst fetching something else there or shining through under the door even, so if you do not have a chamber like this you must box it for those 16 hours.... anyway it's an ordeal for both the plant and the housewife and after it does not look pretty like one from the store afterwards. I tried several times already and endet up with only few green-blotchy coloured bracts , loss of the largest green leafs below and very long blossom steems, IOW a very miserable looking thing providing no cheer or decoration, in one year it got me even a comment on to much thriftiness by a particular honest relative, whilst I was so proud I put it through. :o(
Fizgig March 15, 2018, 04:05 PM
Try my method =) It's worked time and time again.... One plant in particular rebloomed several years in a row....

I know what they say about how to get them to rebloom, but, none of that stuff worked for me either. So I gave up in frustration and put the next gift plant I got outdoors on a terrace one year and viola.... It not only got big, bushy and beautiful outdoors, but then, to my surprise, when the cool, short days of autumn came in and the light changed significantly on the area where the plant was sitting on the terrace, it started to develop the classic red branch tips.... I took it in when I saw that it wasn't happy with the cold nights and put it back out in the warmth of the day.... Pretty soon, it had full on flowers and I kept it inside in a sunny window facing the same direction. It had its flowers through the winter. I had that plant reblooming a few years in a row =) It helped develop the procedure =) I do the same thing with my Christmas cacti...

Remember.... These plants respond to pronounced changes in light with blooming.... I don't think that means being immersed in total darkness --- after all, where they are native they don't suddenly lose all light for weeks in order to bloom successfully. So put your plant out in a bright, sheltered from the wind and direct sun spot through the summer and into autumn.... Just make sure to water it like the tropical plant it is =)

Sonja March 16, 2018, 10:56 AM
Hmmm... thats nice and perhaps useful for others to know that with the darkness seems to be an urban legend.
Unfortunately, whilst I have overall a very bright condo with a lot of windows (7 tall panels with outside view in the livingroom going in all directions but north is a whole lot for people not having a freestanding individual house, many envy or at least admire the clever floorplan), but "sunny" in winter still means just indirect light as I am in the groundfloor in an area where all the appartment buildings got 4-5 levels above ground so in front of my south window is just one leg of my narrow L-shaped yard, a public dead-end drive and the western end of yet an other tall appartmenthouse. In november the sun stays behind this big building until just before it hits the trees of the Meisterhofer Forst. So I get splendid sunsets at times with filtered light through tall decidous naked trees, but no direct daytime sun hitting an inside window sil. Also our late autumns in the south of the Linzgau are famous for thick fog. Some days it is sunny in the whole greater area, according to the radio, only the lake and surrounding 3-4 kilometres of flat level shore sit in a cloud from the slowly cooling water masses that refuses to lift or break break up until the afternoon and this house is usually still inside the parameter. On this days I can barely see my own hedge and need lamps for almost every task. So, in all, bright late autumn sunrays in heated rooms is nothing I can provide.
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