Tarres in front of a Mountain / Tarsch vor einem Berg

Now which one, that's the question... / Nur welcher, das ist die Frage....

8 comments so far...

Fizgig June 28, 2017, 04:10 PM
The shot composition really gives the town the feel of being "nestled" in the valley.... Nicely done!
Sonja June 29, 2017, 02:10 PM
Tarsch is not much of a town, just a village with some nice old farm houses, two big churches and a smal convenience grocery, administratively just an other part of Latsch. When I got this view I was on the mountain shoulder avoiding the paved shortest connenction through the orchards, on a trail called deer promenade connecting the ice sport hall of Latsch with the Ramini Waal, an other nice old dripwater canal.
David B June 29, 2017, 03:50 PM
Sounds like the perfect place to live, Sonja. :o) Much like the closest village to where I live; apart from being in the mountains, rather than on the prairies. The really sad part is, the future of the little village is questionable.

The small General Store is owned by a gentleman getting closer to retirement age, and it doesn't appear as though anyone is interested in taking it over from him, when (if) he does retire. The only other places of business in the village is a small hotel/tavern and the post office.

The times they are a changin'.

Marvin Matthews June 29, 2017, 06:31 PM
I hope the beauty of the village never changes !
Sonja July 03, 2017, 08:09 AM
We got villages in Europe too, David, where smal the stores close sans replacement, but I daubt this is one of them.

This is a highly touristic area. A conveninence store on route between several listed romanesque churches and surrounded by hiking and bicycle trails of different leghth and difficulty will make enough tourist money on the side that keping it open for the sake of the people in the surrounding houses is well covered by one-time customers trying to spare themselves money to visit gastronomy or the energy to wander up to the cheaper discounter in the mall. That mall is at the other end of Laces, some 3-4 Kilometres down the road and the next big city is Meran, a car ride of 25 Kilometres or so. This is not a lonely place in the nowhere. I fear their problems are very different, like more and more luxury-renovation that assigns new uses to old structures and re-zoning of arble land causing it all to grow together to some megavillage, making more and more farmer give up and sell the land as building lots for badly ye-olded or blatant modern holiday homes, or enlarge their sidebusiness of having a few rental rooms into a further big hotel. Tarres is walking distance to Stelvia NP, yet in the middle of civilisation that fills up a pass valley along a highway. This was so already in the times of the old romans, that this road was lined by quite a lot of infrastructure, only not as much as now.

Sonja July 03, 2017, 08:10 AM
Marvin, I fear this is already quite of a contrived shot, walking besides an elevated clearing and taking a picture when the gap in the row of higher trees below shows the main church tower amongst a few slanted roofs. The village got still a lot of charming details left and surely some of it must be officially protected, but inbetween it is growing, of course.

I did not mean to make it sound like some removed elysium when explaining it's administrative status and comperable size. It is just that we hiked a sort of Banana-like loop at the mountain slope avoiding the roads and went down at the far end to look at the old churches in an other part of the comunity that once was a center of it's own.

BJW July 03, 2017, 10:06 AM
A lovely scene and such a quaint little village!
Andy Rodker July 06, 2017, 03:00 PM
A wonderfully atmospheric shot!
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