White Storks / Weissstoerche

An other couple at Deisendorf, making do with the area between the rooftop and the chimney of a home. Those beavertail tiles look very new and nice, so if the landlord is fully elated with the rooftop tennants.... / Noch ein Paerchen in Deisendorf, das sich damit begnuegt den Platz zwischen Dachfirst und Kamin eines Wohnhauses auszunutzen. Die Bieberschwanzziegel wirken sehr neuwertig, also ob sich der Hausbesitzer dort besonders ueber die Untermieter da heroben freut...

4 comments so far...

Marvin Matthews June 09, 2017, 01:05 PM
I guess a home is where it is made.
Sonja June 09, 2017, 04:43 PM
Of course. We got laws here that can get a person into trouble when disturbing a stork couple once they established the nest. Living not only in the fast densifying countryside but also near the stork station with the dayly free handouts comes at a price. Storks will nest over there on anything tall enough that did not move significantly in the last 24 hours...
remmeltmojet June 12, 2017, 07:19 AM
Yesterday we made a bike ride and came along a meadow with over 20 storks. Who knows they are gathering again for the big autumn trek? There is no stork colony in the neighbourhood.
Sonja June 12, 2017, 09:21 AM
Well Remmelt, how was your weather recently?

I know that when there is a catastrophal storm when the storklets are already half grown, storks loosing their offspring wont try a new nesting attempt any more and start roaming and getting social. I remember on May 26th 2009 we had an epic storm in upper swabia and nearly all storks not yet able to fly perished or at least got untimely grounded with loss of the nest and/or injuries calling for human care at a rehab center, whilst almost all adults survived it without any physical damage. A lot of beraved adults left their nests almost at once without any clean up attempts at all -- others gave up some days later, after some bemused and listles tries to drag a few twigs together again. It was way to early for propper migrating but they eventually gathered like fledged juveniles in August do normaly, circled like kites in a kettle and dropped from the sky where ever they spotted something of interest, often in areas where you usually see no stork ever outside high migration, wetlands at higher elevations or welldrained level land with much intensive feed crop farming.

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