Castle Efrizweiler / Efrizweiler Schloss

The old tower to the left dates from aproximately the 10th century. First mentioned in still existing documents it was in 1166. The chapel seen right is late gothic, from 15th century. Today the castle is a hospital for young girls with eating disorders, the chapel is in public hand. / Der alte Wohnturm links ist von irgenwann aus dem 10ten Jahrhundert vermutlich. Urkundliche Erwaehnung gibt es erst ab 1166, aber da war er nicht mehr neu. Die Schlosskapelle ist aus dem 15ten Jahrhundert, spaetgotisch. Heute ist das Schoss eine Klinik fuer Maedchen mit Essstoerungen, die Kapelle aber ist in oeffentlicher Hand.

7 comments so far...

BJW June 01, 2017, 10:26 AM
Very interesting, Sonja! It's truly a treasur. Would love to see the interior.
Sonja June 01, 2017, 11:02 AM
According to the new owners advertising website, it is all very modern and comfortable, the castle/hospital part, that is. :o)

As for the chapel, if I am lucky I might manage to get in there one day. It got as far as I know some simpler baroque furnishings and nifty modern collapsable confessional, white walls with no traces of old painting. So far when I stopped by it was locked, or there was a wedding or a rosary or something.

Marvin Matthews June 02, 2017, 11:45 PM
Very interesting, hope you make it inside soon. Would be a thrill.
Sonja June 03, 2017, 04:14 PM
I generally know what to expect, there is a flyer in German that is also online. Not sure if that is really worth that much inverstigation to go out of the way for. The thing about the old floor tile with the childs hand print is rather fun and something different however.

Marvin Matthews June 03, 2017, 09:53 PM
Thanks for adding the https. I do not know many words in German, but the pictures tell a story I can understand. Appreciated.
Sonja June 04, 2017, 09:24 AM
Oh, there is not really much of a story, just some outdated info on the previous castle owners business that suggests the booklet is a bit older, some general description on gothic architecture markers, about Saint Agatha's patrocinium day, notes about some baroque putto angels found without an altar and renovated in 2007, a donated spare crossway (set of oval little paintings) that once graced the comunity church... that kind of stuff.

Whilst the castle os the oldest secular building, there are much older and more interesting churches and chapels in the vincity, I bet there live a lot of people here their whole life and never heared of Saint Agatha in Efrizweiler. It is nothing that would be recomended to a church crawler bus tour visiting the lake, just an other chapel of the beaten path....
Marvin Matthews June 04, 2017, 06:33 PM
Thanks for the nice response.
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