The Danish Muaythai Federation doesn't really understand that they can't use a photographers pictures without asking. Even though ever bloody page here on 23hq with my pictures states that I have to be contacted if anyone wants to use my pictures.... ARGH... I hate it so much when this happens.

Burn in hell all you people who use pictures you don't have the rights to use!

9 comments so far...

frolund May 15, 2008, 11:11 AM
You have to concider the braindamagefactor,maybe you should promise them a beating, since that seems to be their language;-)
Philipp Mertens May 15, 2008, 12:13 PM
Thieves who apparently can't read!
PimpDaddy May 15, 2008, 12:24 PM
I got a call from the chairman and we made a good deal, so evrything is good again. But this is the 5th time or so this has happened for me so I'm pretty tired of the fact that people don't even take their time to quickly writing a mail, asking if it's ok for them to use my pictures.

@Frolund: Yeah I think you're right ;-)

Philipp Mertens May 15, 2008, 03:32 PM
Very well then!
claus kunckel May 17, 2008, 07:52 AM
Don´t ever let stealing of your pictures go without consequence. Beig a professional i have dealt with this before and have a union of lawyers in my back, but the rules are some as for anybody. You have the ownership of your work, and if someone steals them and can´t show a written permission granted by you they have broken the law and have mal treated you as a staffphotographer.

In cases like this i warn them to remove them in less than 24 hours or else an invoice adding 100% on top as a penalty is sent. All warning, invoices etc must be in writing to save for later documentation. (Important!!!)

In cases of customers doing this “error” i approach them more kindly and always they appologize and feel embarressed by the situation and most of the times they are still my clients.

(this text is from my friend and independent photographer Sofus Comer)

PimpDaddy May 17, 2008, 09:05 AM
Thanks for the input Claus :-)
PimpDaddy June 13, 2008, 09:18 AM
Update: They just did it again. Bill is on it's way!!
dhania June 13, 2008, 11:42 AM
PimppDaddy: keep us posted.
PimpDaddy June 13, 2008, 12:27 PM
I will. May they roast on the hot flames of hell :-P.
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