Top 5 Tips for Android App Developers to Increase Productivity

Android, which is known for making mobile app development easier, entered its tenth year in 2018. An Android app developer can work on a wide range of solutions, from creating gaming apps to highly complex enterprise solutions to apps for IoT enabled devices and gadgets. Meanwhile, new languages like Kotlin and tools like Android Jetpack have taken center stage.

With opportunities expanding and technology evolving at a fast pace, an Android application developer faces the challenge of constantly staying updated and continuously upgrading their knowledge and skills to create maximum value for clients.

The bigger companies looking to hire Android app developers for creating enterprise mobility solutions have become extremely demanding and discerning. Most of these companies want high-quality solutions, delivered fast and at a reasonable cost. The only way to achieve this is by using the right tools to increase an Android app developer’s productivity.

For instance, Android app development companies that create mobility solutions using a MADP (Mobile Application Development Platform) are able to deliver apps faster to clients and at a fraction of the cost. This is done by using pre-developed business modules and pre-connected technology components available on the platform. A good MADP will even offer single-click integration with third-party apps and legacy systems.

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