DSN 2431L

5 comments so far...

Sonja February 21, 2020, 02:21 AM
Brave people! Our family is alas not as brave. This weekend the old boundary trees at the farm are schedulled to go although they do still stand very straight, compared to that one anyways. :o(

David_sn February 21, 2020, 04:56 AM
This tree is for years bent like this. I call it "The tree that refuses to fall, yet".
Sonja February 21, 2020, 04:34 PM
Karls bro-in-law and the newbuilders uphill ran already into problems with house insurances, because straight trees on a neighbor plot are 30 metres tall and their buildings closer by so the nephew was told to have someone over by the insurances who measures and tests things and then this guy recomendet urgently the row must all be taken down as nobody can say if they will fall one day on a roof that is not his and so on. Now we must help Stefan do away with trees Karl planted with his dad as a smal kid. :(
It is amazing your neighborhood seems to know no such considerations and a tree just leans into the crossing and towards a bungalow with nobody starting a bureaucratic mess.
David_sn February 22, 2020, 05:46 AM
We also have a lot of regulations, but in this case, somehow, nobody bothers.
Sonja February 24, 2020, 10:23 AM
Sure better for the environment, when the little critters do not loose mature alive wood just for the human worries about the saftey of side buildings, house roofs, photovoltaic elements and driveways. But I know, many would disagree, I am sure most the poor soul of Oedoen von Horvath.... one becomes speciecist when own life and possessions are threatened.
Ours are down now. I paid for my part in it and the solidarity with humans having a bad conscience and even worse muscle aches.
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