Why you lose over $1600 when you wait to purchase Ray Higdon's Pro Blog Academy
Just a friendly reminder that Ray Higdon's Pro Blog academy is going up to $497 after tonight.

You will also lose the shot at getting some of his killer bonuses.

See what is left here: http://thedavidgardner.com/RayHigdon-ProBlog-Checkout
which includes tickets to Ray Higdon's life event in Orlando, FL, this July (as referenced in the picture!)

Regardless of whether you buy now or later, I will still honor my bonuses, but Ray's may be gone forever...Here is what you have lost out on already which sucks!

1) A virtual assistant to work for you for 30 days! (A $997 value)
2) Maintaining your power audio ($97 value)
3) 10 minute blog blueprint ($297 value)
4) Pro Bloggers resource guide ($297 value)

But there is so much more remaining to see here:

And like I said, here are my bonuses that I will honor....

) The Execution Factor: Benjamin Jaques new Book
mailed to your house and access to the audios and PDF
which should be a mandatory read for all IM’ers
(I am currently selling this book for $15 on eBay!)
2) Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly Marketing Manuscript:
Also mailed to your house with many small little
changes you can make to your business that lead
to larger growth over time.
(I am currently selling this book for $47-67 on eBay)
3) Access to me for blog improvements and reviews
even before Ray looks it over when you have met
all requirements from the course. I will give you
a full on review of what you have done/need to fo
to get it going. This will be done by email.
(I would normally be charging about $30-100/hr for this)
Here are the bonuses I am now adding to provide more
content and help for you to grow your blog and are
based on the suggestion of Ray himself in regards to
using digital products to get your blog started.
4) Self Improvement Millionaires VOlume 1 and 2 DVD
shipped to your house along with access to the up
and coming launch of WeeklyImprovement.com which has
digital products from multiple niches from which to
pick from and be successful in.
(DVD is $77 and membership will be about $10/month)
5) I am going to hook you up with my pinglist which
is where you are going to send all your blog posts
to to know that you are live and kicking online and
great in the search engines
(Priceless, but I could charge $50 for the research
and installing it in your blog for you)
6) Backdoor access to 43 WordPress Tutorials, which
my buddy Cedric Aubrey put together…These short clips
will totally help you master Word Press on top of what
Ray shares with you in the modules
(Not sure how he only charges $7 for this, but worth
ten times that amount)
7) Blog Roll and link to your site. I will put your
link in my blog to help send some link juice your way
as long as your site is family friendly (no porn etc.)
8) Lifetime email/text message coaching…Not only
will you get great coaching from Ray, but I will
put myself out there to help you out as well until
I know you have reached the T.I.T.S. level and Taken
It To Success
All you have to do it use this link and you will be
setting yoursef on the correct path:
When you are done, just make sure to forward your receipt
to barefootpainting@gmail.com and I will verify
with Ray that you took part. I will start helping you out
as soon as I can, but will hold off on mailing you the
physical items until after the 30 day guarantee period
has passed (to protect myself from someone buying just
for the goodies, then refunding while keeping my stuff!)
It is all about value here and you will either get it
from Ray Higdon’s Pro Blog Academy or from me…It is
a win-win-win situation.
Dave Gardner

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