Mark Hoverson Information Blueprint 200 dollar discount shuts down Magnetic Sponsoring
As a member of Magnetic Sponsoring, I enjoy the ease of being able to log into my account and use the trainings whenever and wherever I want. This was not the case on July 12 and 13, 2011.

I went to log in on the 12th and there was not even a website that came up. On the 13th, I was able to log in, but had to do a new password and noticed all my programs I owned were gone. All my prospects (people who had signed up to check out the courses) were gone as well! Holy Crap!

The reason is due to Mark Hoverson's Irresistible Info-Marketing Blueprint, In the first 24 hours alone, they sold 1200 copies at $297 each. Word has it he is doing this for the first 2500 customers only and then it will go up to $497 forever.

Jump on the $200 discount here ==>

I am an affiliate in the Magnetic Sponsoring system as mentioned above and there fore will receive a commission here and want to blow other marketer out of the water like Jonathon Budd and Katie Freiling who are currently enjoy the top contest spot, so I want to offer you a bonus as well when you invest in your education. which you will see below. I will find out who are are through the office and will be in touch, but here are some of the goodies you will get when you purchase through the links on this post!

1) Speedy Profit Creator DVD mailed to your home. This will perfectly compliment Module one of the Making a caffeine product.

2) I'll give you my phone number so we can develop our Irrisistible Team! This will complement module 2 perfectly! A mastermind group is integral in getting yourself on the successful track.

3) One full year of GVO Conference online webinar service! This is well over $130 in cost for the set-up and monthly fees. This is the sweet spot to compliment Module #3 and especially #4 in regards to making videos and webinars! Show me another marketer looking to offer this bonus and I'll be surprised. Who wants another website with a ton of PLR you can play around with when instead you can get a software you will actually use (look back at bonus two about team building....this works here as well!)

4) I will have some unannounced bonuses here as well as we continue to work as part of our own irrisistible team! These will be available when you continue to stay and grow with the team.

So before you have to pay at least $497, why not go save $200 now and get Mark Hoverson's Irrisistible Info-Marketing Bluepring through this link here:

I look forward to working with you

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