7 comments so far...

bere February 22, 2008, 02:56 AM
oh herr Thilo!!
i will give you my kingdom of Tacos und Enchiladas
for a piece of Leberkäse zwischen brötchen, ah! und mit viel Senf bitte!
ah bitte!!
Leberkäse das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen...
bere February 22, 2008, 05:31 AM
ah can almost see the ashes of his cigarette dropping
perfect timing!
kodaky February 23, 2008, 01:37 PM
I could see it as an etnographic shot, but I am really an anti-tabagist one.

For a 23hq free-smoking area!

Norway health warnings

1. Tobakk gir alvorlig helseskade
Tobacco seriously damages health

2. Din røyking skader helsen til folk rundt deg
Your smoking harms the health of people around you

3. 400 døyr årleg i trafikken i Noreg - 20 gonger så mange døyr av røyking
400 dies in Norway each year from traffic accidents – 20 times as many dies from smoking

4. Kvart år døyr meir enn 1400 nordmenn av lungekreft
More than 1,400 Norwegians die each year from lung cancer

5. Røyking dreper
Smoking kills

6. Røyking fører til avhengighet
Smoking causes addiction

7. Røyking fører til dødelige sykdommer
Smoking causes fatal diseases

8. Røyking fører til hjarte-karsjukdommar
Smoking causes heart diseases

9. Røyking fører til kreft
Smoking causes cancer

10. Røyking kan gi kreft, bronkitt og andre lungesjukdommar

11. Smoking can cause cancer, bronchitis and other chest diseases

12. Røyking under graviditeten er skadelig for barnet
Smoking when pregnant harms your baby

13. Sluttar du å røykje, minkar risikoen for alvorlege sjukdommar
Stopping smoking reduces the risk of serious diseases

14. Vern barn mot tobakksrøyk: utset dei ikkje for tobakksrøyk
Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke

kodaky February 23, 2008, 01:43 PM
BTW, among us, how many smokers are there?

* one of the best photos by
Brazilian Health Ministry

bere February 26, 2008, 01:41 AM
oh thomas great advices and superb photo!
and nope, i don't smoke cigarettes...
and here a film recommendation for you!
great dark humor, great film
and yep i agree in many of these points with you, yet... some many other things in our everyday life are very harmful, specially food, but i think everybody is responsible for their own actions, the one thing you can't control is the second-hand smoke, in that i very much agree with banning smokers from public places :)
kodaky February 27, 2008, 10:31 PM
Bere, I watched it!
Thanks for indication!
the_thilo March 04, 2008, 10:00 PM
Ich äußere mich hierzu nicht. :)
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